Integrated Health
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Contact NameIan Clutton
Address28 London Road
Sevenoaks TN13 1AP
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What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment that focuses on the way parts of the body interplay during illness. Treatments are used to enhance the movement of fluid, muscles and joints to accelerate repair.

It is possible to get positive results for things as diverse as glue ear, period pain, insomnia, tinnitus and eye pain.

Who can Osteopathy help?

Babies, infants, teenagers, adults and older adults! It can be used during pregnancy.

What does an Osteopathic treatment involve?

A case history is taken of a patient’s medical and health details. If necessary tests are used to evaluate what type of treatment is appropriate.

Osteopaths use their hands to carry out treatment. The techniques used will have been discussed with you and can be changed depending on how quickly the injury is responding.

Some patients are concerned or put off by the clicking or popping treatment, if you are nervous about this, other techniques can be used.

During the examination you may have to undress to your underwear but if you prefer you can wear shorts or leggings and a cropped top.

What is cranial osteopathy?

It is a misreading term because it can be done all over the body, not just the head. It treats ligaments, joints and connective tissue (fascia). Treatment involves very small movement of the fascia or the individual bones of the skull.

Why do babies need to see an osteopath?

Babies can be born with problems that have been caused by their position during growth in the womb or by the birth process. If these problems are not corrected early on, they can lead to difficulties in growth and development, discomfort and problems in later life. In the short-term they can contribute to such things as sleep and eating problems.


The practical results offered by Acupuncture benefit a wide range of people, making it worth considering as a treatment in the first instance, rather than as a last resort.

The strength of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) lies in its ability to read the body through the tongue, pulse and other methods of palpation.

What is qi?

Health is dependent on the smooth and constant movement of qi. Qils the body’s natural energy. Qi travels through the body along channels or pathways known as meridians.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is one branch of treatment of TCM. It involves the insertion of needles into the skin at specific points along the meridians, in order to stimulate and restore the natural movement of qi. Other methods stimulate acupuncture points with or without the insertion of needles; these include moxibustion, tuina massage, cupping, electro-acupuncture, ear acupuncture and ear seeds.

What does acupuncture feel like?

Acupuncture needles are of hair like thinness. Insertion of the needle itself goes unnoticed or feels like a small pinch. After needle insertion, sensations such as tingling, heaviness, warmth, soreness and pressure are not only common but desirable because this indicates that the qi is present and being stimulated.

How will I feel after treatment?

Response to treatment is highly individual. A sense of well being and relaxation is usual. It is as normal to experience the desire to continue resting, as it is to feel immediately animated, though sometimes this sense of invigoration is delayed until the days following treatment.

Is acupuncture safe?

Needles are sterile and disposable and only ever used once. All members of the British Acupuncture Council observe a Code of Practice which lays down stringent standards of hygiene. These procedures have been approved by the Department of Health and provide protection against the transmission of infectious diseases.

What will happen during an acupuncture session?

An initial consultation usually takes about ¾ hour. You will be asked questions about your presenting complaint, as well as past medical conditions, your lifestyle, living environment, thoughts and emotions. The practitioner will observe the patient’s tongue and take their pulse. Practitioner’s of TCM palpate nine pulses on each wrist, which give an indication of the state of a patient’s qi, blood, yin and yang.

At the end of this consultation, the practitioner will give the patient some indication of how often they will need treatment and over what time period. The patient might be treated during this first session depending on the condition.

During treatment a patient will be offered dietary, lifestyle and self-help advice.

How often do I have to have acupuncture?

Duration and frequency of treatment varies since each person is unique. Generally after 2-10 treatments there will be recovery from the main complaint or a generalised sense of improvement.

The potential of acupuncture is maximised by frequency continuity and perseverance. Simple ailments such as the common cold, tension headache, strains and sprains when treated in their early stages can be resolved in one to five treatments. More chronic conditions such as, polycystic ovaries or asthma
may require treatment over 6 months to two years.

Do I have to understand and believe in acupuncture for it to work?

Based on animal research it appears that the placebo effect or suggestibility is not the determining factor. Acupuncture works in spite of the patients expectation or beliefs.


Stress, lifestyle, pollution and habitual expressions which are so visible on the face can be transformed resulting in a younger, calmer, and less worn look. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture illuminates inner beauty, vitality, radiance and serenity.
  • Brightens the eyes
  • Tightens the pores
  • Lifts drooping eyelids
  • Improves facial colour
  • Slows the ageing process
  • Decreases sagging and jowls
  • Reduces bags under the eyes
  • Melts stress evident on the face
  • Promotes overall health and well being
  • Eliminates puffiness by improving fluid metabolism
  • Improves muscle tone and dermal contraction in the face and neck
  • Moisturises, oxygenates, nourishes by increasing bloodllymph circulation
  • Improves hormonal balance, effective on acne, dry skin and blemishes
  • Firms skin, fills out wrinkles by increasing collagen production & dispersal
A course of 12 treatments is recommended, with follow-up maintenance sessions to prolong the results. During a treatment your face will be pinned and sculptured with very fine specialised acupuncture needles, followed by a face-lifting massage. Acupuncture needles will be inserted into the rest of the body during the treatment to address any underlying condition that may be affecting your outward appearance.

Facial rejuvenation cannot be administered if you are pregnant, suffer with a serious disease, have high blood pressure, have a blood or bruising disorder or have had laser treatment within the laser three weeks.

Claire studied facial rejuvenation acupuncture at postgraduate level, with a several different lecturers and as well, has completed a variety of courses on facelift massage’. The unique treatment she offers, combines different aspects of each of these courses.

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Acupuncture, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Massage - Deep Tissue, Massage - Remedial, Massage - Sports, Massage - Swedish / Relaxation, Nutrition, Osteopathy, Psychotherapy, Reflexology

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