Solar Health Clinic
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"Naturopathic Clinic."

Contact NameJackie Reader BSc, NAET, DipBCNH
Address1st floor, The Crown
High Street
Sevenoaks TN15 0AJ
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Welcome to Solar Health Clinic

About Jackie Reader

Having spent many years suffering from thrush, athlete's foot, chronic constipation and digestive problems, I finally gave up on conventional medicine and was eventually diagnosed with candidisis by a nutritionist.

This was a turning point in my life and I then trained at one of the UK’s leading London colleges, the British College of Nutrition & Health, where I earned a Dip BCNH qualification after three and a half years of study. I am a member of t
the Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (FNTP) and RICTAT (Register of Colonic Therapists)

Having set up Solar Health Clinic, I quickly realised that I needed to expand my knowledge to deal with emotional as well as physical issues and that, as good as nutritional therapy, this only part of the story. Since then I have trained in kinesiology, EFT, NAET, Bowen Technique, NES, Colonic Hydrotherapy and Live Blood Microscopy in order to offer my clients a completely holistic experience.

About Us

At Solar Health Clinic, the client is treated as a whole person, not just a set of symptoms, and all possible explanations are explored - especially if conventional medical tests have come back as 'negative' - using state-of-the-art energetic scanning systems.

Our aim is to educate and empower clients to be more pro-active in taking responsibility for their journey to better health.

Although testing such as conventional blood tests, x-rays and scans may be helpful, especially in more acute problems, they often provide limited information when looking at the broader perspective of the whole body and all the different levels that exist to access information, which can be very relevant for early detection or in helping with chronic diseases.

Despite what you may hear or read in the press, our health is deteriorating year by year. The rates of all degenerative diseases are increasing - we have more asthma, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, depression, arthritis, allergies, digestive disorders and obesity than ever before in history. Our children are fatter and more hyperactive than ever before.

At the same time, more and more money is spent each year on "health care." We have more doctors and more drugs than ever before but it's not working - if doctors and drugs could give us better health, we'd already be a very healthy nation. That is why the field of complementary healthcare is growing so fast and why people are starting to take responsibility for their own health.


Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional therapy is a system of healing based on the belief that food, as nature intended, provides the medicine we need to obtain and maintain a state of health. Although some health problems require specific medication, many conditions can be relieved effectively with nutritional therapy. These include disorders ranging from irritable bowel syndrome, coeliacs disease, chronic fatigue, energy loss, candidiasis, insomnia and depression, to backache, skin complaints, asthma, PMS, panic attacks and headaches.

Nutritional therapy will also benefit you if you have no specific illness, but want to maintain a state of optimum health. It is safe for babies and children as well as adults, and the change of eating patterns that is typically prescribed usually has far fewer side-effects than synthetic medicines.

We may well be 'what we eat' but we are definitely 'what we absorb' and poor absorption of nutrients from the diet is the cause of many health problems. If the gastro-intestinal tract is in a healthy condition our bodies thrive, and vice versa.

Nutritional therapy is a holistic discipline to help people of all ages to stay at their personal peak of energy and vitality. Today, new insights of food scientists play a significant role in the practice of nutritional therapy as preventative medicine.

Member of Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners

Colonic Hydrotherapy

Colonics are the single most effective way of cleansing the body (unless contraindicated). Colonic hydrotherapy is the gentle rinsing of the colon (large intestine) with warm water to remove encrusted faecal matter, gas and mucus, allowing for better absorption of nutrients and leaving you feeling healthy and lighter. It is a great restorative treatment that gives a systemic boost to the body, as well as helping to tone up the colon. Colon hydrotherapy removes wastes, rehydrates the bowel, helps repair the gut wall, rebuilds the gut-brain connection and restores bowel function.

The ideal transit time of food through the body is eighteen to twenty hours. However, the average time in the UK (one of the most constipated nations in Europe) is now sixty hours for men and seventy hours for women - with over 20,000 new cases of bowel cancer being diagnosed each year. No wonder laxatives are the second biggest seller for the pharmaceutical companies.

"Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the intestinal system. When the intestines are dirty, the blood is dirty and so are the organs and tissues. It is the intestinal system that has to be cared for before any effective healing can take place" Dr Bernard Jensen

In the 21st Century, we are bombarded with toxins and chemicals that our bodies are not designed to process or eliminate - air pollutants, chemicals in soaps, shampoos, toothpaste, beauty products, household cleaners, electromagnetic fields, drugs, processed foods etc. Added to this are stress (including emotional stress), high sugar diets, trans fats, excess dairy foods and too much red meat and the body becomes too acidid and stops coping. The body creates mucus which firstly gets stuck in the colon and then gets impacted, affecting muscle tone and reducing the space through which waste can move.

Colonic Hydrotherapy can support:
  • Acne
  • Psoriasis
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Bladder infections
  • Bloated stomach
  • Candida
  • Cellulite
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Constipation
  • Fluid retention
  • Food intolerances
  • Halitosis
  • Headaches
  • Sinus problems
  • Haemorrhoids

NAET Allergy Testing and Elimination

An individual can be allergic to anything - foods, drinks, phannaceutical drugs, herbs, vitamins, water, clothing, jewellery, chemicals, paint, silicone, latex, plastics, pollen, grasses etc. AlIergy symptoms can range from mild to debilitating reactions to life¬threatening reactions. From a Western medical point of view, an allergy is an over-reaction of the immune system. In NAET (an allergy elimination technique discovered in 1983 in American by Doctor Nambudripad), allergies are viewed from a holistic perspective based on Oriental Medicine principles and defined in terms of the effect an allergic substance or emotion has on the energy flow (meridians) in the body.

An allergy is a condition of unusual sensitivity of a person to one or more substances which may be harmless to the majority of other individuals. In the allergic person, the allergic substances (known as an allergen) is viewed by the brain as a threat to the body's wellbeing. When contact is made with the allergen, it causes blockages in the energy pathways, disrupting the normal flow of energy through the body's electrical circuits.

This energy blockage causes interference in communication between the brain and body via the nervous system, which begins a chain of events that can develop into an anergic response.

Undiagnosed allergies are often the cause of common or chronic illnesses which, when left untreated, can become serious or critical. Through illness, pain, inflammation, headaches, fever, heart attacks, strokes, abnormal growths, turnours, and various physical, physiological and psychological discomforts, the brain signals the body about the possible dangers if the energy blockages remain within the body. By reprogramming the brain and removing the blockages from the energy pathrways, NAET allows the body to regain perfect balance and function normalIy to reach optimum health.

NAET is a synthesis of various disciplines such as acupressure, chiropractic, kinesiology and nutrition, and utilises muscle response testing, which indicates the kinetic imbalance in the body caused by allergens. The NAET treatment stimulates pressure points along the spine whilst the client is holding an alIergen. Specific acupuncture points are massaged and the substance must be avoided for 25 hours following treatment for best results. Allergens are normally cleared one at a time in specific sequence. The folIowing conditions have been successfully treated with NAET: Acne, ADHD, allergies, anxiety, asthma, autism, back ache, blood pressure problems, candida, constipation, depression, irritable bowel, eczema, fibromyalgia, flatulence, food cravings, gallstones, hay fever, headaches, migraines, hormone imbalances, indigestion, insomnia, leaky gut, night sweats, parasites, PMS, restless leg syndrome, sciatica, vertigo etc.

Nutri Energetics Health Scan System

Fostering increased health awareness for maximum well-being

Leading-edge research in holistic medicine, biophysics, bioenergetics, and frontier biology all point in the same direction - telling us that we are more than just our physical body. We each have a biofield - a human body-field (HBF) that is a structured web of information and energy that underlies and informs our physical body and influences the state of our health and well-being.

Nutri-Energetics® is the pioneering force behind a revolutionary approach to assessing the human body-field (HBF) and promoting well-being at all levels. If you are curious about the state of your body-field, arrange for a NES scan today.

Thousands of people across the globe are benefitting from NES, using it alone or as part of their preventitive or ongoing health program. NES works well with all other complementary therapies and also with allopathic medicine. Clients report relief and improvements across the board, including in*:
  • Emotional resiliency
  • The ability to stay positive
  • Cope better with stress and life challenges
  • Enhanced even-temperedness
  • Ability to "go with the flow" or relax in certain situations
  • Greater optimism and enthusiasm
  • Increased vitality and energy
  • More stamina
  • Improved sleep
  • Sharper mental focus
  • Increased drive and motivation
  • Physical or emotional issues
  • Relief from or improvements to physical or emotional issues

Bowen Technique

A Bowen Technique treatment affects the body in ways which promote healing, pain relief and recovery of energy. The experience of the treatment is gentle, subtle and relaxing and it is these features which make The Bowen Technique so unique. Osteopaths, chiropractors, sports therapists and physiotherapists are among the many professional practitioners who use The Bowen Technique and all who practice it are continually amazed at the effectiveness of this simple and gentle form of "hands on" therapy.

What does a treatment involve?

A Bowen Technique treatment will take approximately 45 minutes and most of the work can be performed through light clothing. Two or three treatments, at weekly intervals, are often sufficient to achieve lasting relief from even long standing pain, although further treatments may sometimes be required. To receive maximum benefit it is recommended that other physical therapies are not mixed with The Bowen Technique, e.g. massage, reflexology, physiotherapy, etc. Consult your local Bowen Technique practitioner.

How does it work?

The practitioner uses thumbs and fingers on precise points on the body to make rolling type moves which aim to disturb the muscles, soft tissue and energy within the body. During the treatment there are periods in which the client is left resting to allow the body to absorb the gentle moves that have been performed. This gives the body time to make the subtle and fine adjustments which help to relieve tension, reduce pain and initiate the healing process. The Bowen Technique encourages the body to realign itself; there is no manipulation or adjustment of hard tissue and no force is used or needed. The Bowen Technique is not a form of massage.

What can it safely treat?

Common presenting problems include back and neck pain, knee problems, sports injuries, RSI, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and respiratory conditions. Conditions such as chronic fatigue, hay fever, headache, kidney problems and problems requiring lymphatic drainage have responded favorably to The Bowen Technique. Some people use The Bowen Technique as a means of stress management and health maintenance, seeing their therapist regularly 2 - 4 times a year. The Bowen Technique also addresses many other conditions. It is generally regarded as safe and effective for people of all ages.

Where did it originate?

The Bowen Technique was pioneered by Thomas Ambrose Bowen, born in 1916 in Geelong, Australia. After working in miscellaneous labouring jobs as a young man, he developed a great interest in massage and body work and spent time observing football trainers and others involved with sports. By the time he was in his early 40's, this gifted man had established a full time practice in remedial therapy using the technique he had developed.

In 1978, when he was interviewed by a parliamentary committee looking into complementary medicine, he stated, under oath, that he treated about 280 patients per week with the help of an assistant and a receptionist - an incredible 13,000 patients a year, 88% of whom only required two or three treatments! Mr Bowen died in the early 1980's but today there are a number of flourishing therapies based on his work.


Kinesiology is a holistic, bodywork therapy that works on all aspects of health – physical, nutritional, mental, emotional and spiritual. The goal is to help remove stressors that may be preventing the person enjoying optimum health.

Kinesiology works on the basis that in order to have total health, we must look at the whole person. Factors that affect the physical body will not only affect other parts of the body but will have an effect on the mind and emotions too. For example chronic back pain could lead to a person feeling depressed, while, by the same token, excessive worry could contribute to the development of a stomach ulcer. Behavioural problems in children, such as hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can be triggered by sensitivity to foods/food additives and a lack of essential nutrients in the diet. In this situation it would be ineffective to treat the emotional/behavioural issues if the cause was a nutritional sensitivity. Kinesiology seeks to address the cause rather than the effects.

Often a person can exhibit a range of symptoms. How do we establish the cause and know what procedure is required?

A skilled kinesiology practitioner uses muscle monitoring/testing techniques to tune in to body energy systems on a very fine level (the body’s natural bio-feedback system) to assess where stress may be causing imbalances in these energy systems. Kinesiology makes use of the body’s inherent intelligence to find the best correction to bring the person into a healthy balance.

Kinesiology can help a wide range of conditions such as: arthritis, asthma, backache and neckache, behavioural problems, candida, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME), depression, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, hormonal problems, joint pain, learning difficulties, phobias, prostate, rheumatism, stress, skin disorders, weight problems.

Live Blood Analysis

Your blood is your life force and every cell of you body depends on nutrient and oxygen from the blood. Most people do not know what condition their blood is in because they do not have the opportunity to look at it. With Live Blood Microscopy you can look at your own blood.

Live Blood Microscopy is a term used for the viewing of live blood under a microscope. A sample of blood is taken via a finger prick and both practitioner and client can view the red and white blood cells, platelets and micro-organisms present in the blood while they are still alive and moving. The blood is not stained or treated in any way. Live Blood Microscopy provides specific information about your health that is not available via the usual pathology blood test.

Live Blood Microscopy, amongst many benefits, also allows the practitioner to assess the health and vitality of the immune system based on the type, health of cells and number of white and red blood cells. When examining blood under a microscope the inter-relationship of body systems contributing to the condition of blood and health of a patient becomes evident.

For instance. the presence of crystals of uric acid in the blood may indicate high intake of purine foods (from meat, fish and poultry), dehydration, gout or kidney dysfunction. This is why some individuals experience stiffness of joints and pain. Just one drop of blood may contain several crystals of uric acid. It is also possible to see cholestrol and triglycerides in the blood.

The cleanliness of the blood plasma, the liquid in which the blood cells move can also be viewed. Chemicals in our environment, inadequate nutrition and bowel health can also be observed in live blood microscopy as sticky red blood cells and dirty plasma reduce an ability to deliver nutrients and oxygen and to remove metabolic waste.


Depending on the irregularities found in the blood, there are a wide variety of different conditions that can be determined. The following are just a few examples:
  • Indication of low immune status
  • Liver and spleen stress
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Fungal infections
  • Digestive problems

Bio-resonance is an umbrella term which is traditionally used to describe the interaction between the bio-field of a living organism and frequency patterns that interact with specific parts of it. There are many different types of bio-resonance modalities which fall under this umbrella term.
It is the ability for an external frequency/pattern to resonate with a specific item in the bio-field of the physical body. True bio-resonance is a conscious interactive exchange between the consciousness of a life form and a bio-resonance modality such as a piece of bio-resonance equipment.

A treatment is carried out using e-Lybra bio-resonance equipment to analyse imbalances in the body’s bio-field and the range of imbalances covered include the physiology of the body, as well as psychological, emotional and energtice aspects.

In addition, all the corrective bio-resonance patterns that are sent to the client during the session can automatically be programmed into the bio-resonance capsule for the client to take away with them, providing a continuous treatment.

It is thought that many conditions and diseases start with emotional or mental trauma, leading to a change in pathology and opening the door to ill health. Bio-resonance is used to help speed up the healing process, also providing preventative care where imbalances appear in the bio-field but not yet in the physical body.

Bio-resonance therapy is being used by sportsmen and women to help speed up recovery after injury.

Remote Treatments

Because bio-resonance is based upon the premise of a bridge to consciousness of the client, a treatment can be performed remotely. All that is required is a hair sample so that a unique energetic connection to the client can be made.

When the client is being balanced at a distance the stored 'connection' is used in the circuitry to receive information from the client as well as to send patterns across this quantum bridge.
This remote treatment adds extra effectiveness to the balancing sessions because clients can be helped a little each day through their difficult challenges.


Candida: Meeting Jackie has been a life changing experience for me....not only has she cured me of candida but has helped me with many other aspects of my life. Jackie has a unique quality to help and listen. In my life I always seem to do that to everyone else but Jackie has listened to me for a change! and now I have changed my eating habits for life and lost over a stone(which is an added bonus). The amazing thing is that I went to Jackie with just one problem but because she listens to your way of life and how you are as a person then other problems appear, some of which are health and some of which are emmotional, and she will then go that extra mile to help you resolve these issues as well. I know that in the future if ever I have any problems again I would not hesitate in going back to Jackie. This lady is not only clever but is kind and caring too.....Thankyou Jackie x Mary L

Asthma: I just wished I had known about Jackie years ago! My daughter who has just turned 8 years old has suffered from asthma from 8 months every year from around October to April/May. Each year has got progressively worse and the last two years have been a nightmare. The asthma was not under control and my daughter had countless sleepless nights. I took her to see Jackie in August 2009 and to date she has not had one cold, cough or more importantly asthma - I cannot thank her enough. I was told she would have asthma all her life and that this winter she would have to have to be on steriods! Jackie is amazing! Sarah B.

Sciatica: I had 6-7 weeks of physio, doing all the excercises, working on my sciatic nerve as i could not sit down but it just would not get better and I was afraid I would never get back to work. After 3 sessions of Bowen Technique with Jackie, the pain was 80% gone and after 5 it was completely gone and i've not felt any pain since. I'm now back to sitting 7 hours a day or more at my computer at work with no problems whatsoever. I highly recommend anyone with any physical issues to see Jackie for Bowen Technique. Matt K.

Tennis Elbow: I started getting a pain in my elbow which gradually increased and moved down my arm and through into my hand. It was so painful to pick a bag up or a kettle. The pain used to wake me up in the night as well. I knew that if I went to the doctors they would say "tennis elbow" come back in six weeks - or we can give you an injection. So I contacted Jackie and we agreed Bowen was the best treatment for my arm. I could not believe that after one treatment the pain was removed from my fingers and hand. So I returned to Jackie for two more Bowen treatments. The pain did not go overnight but now my arm is 100% better. It took about 4 months but I'm so glad I was able to treat using this natural method. So far all the different treatments that myself and my 2 daughters have received from Jackie have worked and performed miracles. Julie H.

Candida: Hi Jackie Remember me??? I came to see you last May and you told me I had candida albicans. I was 15st fat,low,allergic to everything and felt at my total lowest. After your help and inspiration and hard work from me I am now down to 9st size 8/10 clothes and look and feel amazing!I bumped in to someone I worked with a few years ago and she really didn't recognise me! I always tell everyone that it is down to having visited you and I think the ex work mate I saw recently has made an appointment with you for July sometime.I have also always suffered from dreadful hayfever but have to tell you I have not had one sneeze this year and can only put it down to my getting rid of that horrible candida. Thank you Jackie for all your help it has been a long years road but think I have finally reached my goal as my partner of eight years and I are getting married next Friday. Sally HB

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BSc, DipBCNH, Associate Member Royal College of Medicine

Service Categories
Allergy Testing / Treatments, Ayurveda, Bowen Therapy, Colonic Irrigation, Kinesiology, Nutrition

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