Have you been feeling a little low lately but not sure if it’s just a bout of the blues? Depression is more than just a feeling of sadness, so if you’ve been feeling out of sorts for a while, it’s possible that you’re suffering from this common ailment. We’ve put together a short list of the signs of depression, so if you recognize any of them, talk to a qualified health practitioner to see what you can do.
What is Depression?
Firstly, depression is more than just feeling down or moody. It is an illness that affects the body and mind, causing both psychological and physical symptoms. Depression is surprisingly common with up to one in four women and one in six men experiencing a form of depression at some point in their lives. However, almost everyone that suffers from depression can be helped so it’s worth looking for the signs.
Some Common Signs of Depression
Depression is different for everyone as it affects people in different ways. No one person will suffer from every sign of depression but if you are suffering from a few, have a chat with your chosen professional. Here are some common signs:
increased irritability and frustration
losing interest in or not getting pleasure out of social activities and hobbies
feelings of guilt, hopelessness or worthlessness
decreased levels of energy or feeling fatigued
insomnia or other disturbed sleep
a variation of your mood during the day
difficulty concentrating or making decisions
low self-esteem or a feeling of hopelessness
loss of appetite or weight loss
negative thoughts regarding the future
loss of identity
feeling alone, even if you are surrounded by other people
recklessness or taking unnecessary risks
feelings of anxiety
feeling upset or tearful for no apparent reason
avoiding tasks such as attending work or school
increased use of substances such as alcohol and recreational drugs
physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment (e.g. headaches)

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