Aromatherapy is an alternative healing practice that uses essential oils and other aromatic plant compounds to improve the overall health and wellbeing of an individual. These essential oils may be used in a massage oil, heated in an oil burner, placed topically on the hair or skin, or inhaled with steaming water.
It is believed that the oil’s scent stimulates the olfactory system of the brain, which controls our sense of smell. When we smell the aroma of the oils, the limbic system of our brains (responsible for memory and emotions) releases chemicals that reduce physical effects of stress, often responsible for hair loss.
However, when essential oils are used topically on the skin (including the scalp), thermal receptors are activated to destroy the microbes and fungi that inhibit our immune system and prevent hair growth.
Hair loss, or baldness in its extreme, is the medical term used to describe inexplicable hair loss from the head and body. It may be the result of genetics, stress, medication, hormonal changes and fatigue, and is a good measurement of how your health is faring generally.
Aromatherapy is the ideal natural alternative to fighting hair loss. Like good nutrition, the essential oils used in aromatherapy are filled with vitamins, minerals, herbs and oils that feed the hair and promote its growth. It also successfully treats hair thinning and bald patches, as well as stimulating hair follicles that leads to increased hair growth.
There are many aromatherapy oils that can help grow hair and prevent hair loss. They may be mixed in with your shampoo, or blended with jojoba oils to be used as a hair treatment or in a head massage. Some of these essential oils include:
If you are interested in finding out more about how aromatherapy can help with hair loss, speak to an aromatherapist in your local area.
Find out about other effective natural hair loss treatments.