Back Injury
Your back is composed of a complex structure of bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and disks. Any or some of these parts may be subjected to strain from physical activity, trauma or deformity, and lead to back injury. Back injury is usually accompanied by back pain. For some people, the pain or ache may go away without medication or treatment, while others may experience chronic pain which requires expert management and treatment.
You may suffer back injury when your muscles and ligaments have been strained by improper lifting, twisting or lifting of heavy objects. This is often experienced by those whose jobs involve moving or handling of heavy things. In the gym, improper form while lifting heavy weights may also lead to back injury.
Ruptured disks
Disks are the pads that surround the bones of your spine which cushion your spine against impact. When your disks become damaged, the gel-like substance inside the disk may press against a nerve in your back and cause pain.
Sciatica is a sharp, shooting pain that extends from the lower back through the buttock and back of the leg.
A condition like
osteoarthritis affects the joints in the hips, hands, knees and lower back.
Skeletal irregularities
When your spine curves in an abnormal way such as when your upper back is abnormally rounded or when your lower back arches excessively, the wrong posture may place undue pressure on specific parts of your back causing back injury.
Scoliosis, a condition where your spine curves to one side, can also cause back pain.
Osteoporosis is a bone condition characterized by porous and brittle bones which often leads to fractures of your spine’s vertebrae.
In rare cases, back injuries may be caused by a serious neurological condition like “canda equine syndrome”, cancer and infection of the spine.
Risk factors
The following factors increase your chances of suffering back injury;
- smoking
- obesity
- old age
- female gender
- physically strenuous work
- sedentary work
- stressful job
- anxiety and depression
Treatment and prevention
Natural therapies
Most back pain may be successfully treated with home remedies and natural therapies. At home, applying ice packs or hot compresses to the affected areas may relieve pain. Natural therapies for back injury include
chiropractic care which involves the manual realignment of the spine,
acupuncture which entails the insertion of sterilized needles into specific points of your body and massage. There are various types of massage ranging from the gentle, relaxing
swedish massage to the therapeautic or corrective deep tissue massage.
Preventive measures
Keep fit
Regular physical activity keeps your weight down and strengthens your back muscles. Go for an exercise routine that works your core muscles because it affects both abdominal and back muscles.
Maintain good posture
Avoid slouching and standing with a sway-backed position. This could lead to muscle fatigue and injury. When working, avoid leaning forward and hunching your shoulder while looking at your computer. Use a chair that supports your lower back and add a pillow or rolled towel behind your lower back for support.
Lift properly
Avoid lifting very heavy objects on your own. When lifting an object from the floor, lower your body using your legs and let your legs bear the weight as you lift to a standing position. Keep objects that you carry close to your body.
Back injuries often cause pain and limit your movement. By maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and observing back safety when lifting objects, you help minimise or prevent back injury.
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Related Modalities
Massage - Swedish / Relaxation