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Fads and Diets.


Fads and Diets.

A fad diet is a diet that promises quick weight loss.  It is not always healthy and achieves weight loss through a usually unhealthy and unbalanced diet.  They are targeted at people who want to lose weight quickly without exercise.

Fad diets are restricted to certain foods can be are boring or unappealing. This can render them difficult to follow on a long-term basis. And some fad diets can actually be harmful to your health.

How to Determine Fact from Fad

To determine if a diet is a fad diet, it is a good idea to ask yourself these questions:

  • Does the diet promise quick weight loss?
  • Does the diet sound too good to be true?
  • Does the diet help sell a company’s product?
  • Does the diet lack valid scientific research to support its claims?
  • Does the diet give lists of “good” and “bad” foods?
If you have answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, the diet is probably a fad diet.

Here are some examples of Fad Diets

High-protein diets

High protein diets propose that you eat large quantities of protein such as meat, eggs, etc. in order to lose weight and to build muscle. However, regular physical activity and weight training build muscle strength, not eating large quantities of protein.

Liquid diets

Liquid diets cut out substances that are beneficial to the body such as fruits and vegetables, fish, eggs, dairy and other foods that provide you with nutrients you need for optimum health.  Once you return to eating regular foods, you usually put the pounds right back on.

Grapefruit diet

This diet proposes that eating only grapefruit will help you shed pounds. But any diet based on one food is much too restrictive to be healthy.

Juice or broth fasts

Some dieters try to lose weight by drinking only juice and/or broth for a period of time.
Fasting (not eating solid food) for a long period of time can lead to ill health. In addition, your body reacts to starvation by lowering your metabolic rate (the rate at which your body burns calories).

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