Healthy Christmas Tips
Christmas is usually the time of overindulgence. People bake more, party more, drink more and eat more. There are lots of buffets of generally lots more alcohol. This is a time when you are surrounded by your favourite things and there is no reason why you shouldn’t treat yourself. However, in saying that, you probably don’t want to start the New Year feeling unhealthy and very bloated.
The following are some tips that you can follow for a healthy Christmas without depriving yourself of the joys.
This is one of the more important ones. Without denying yourself, you can have your cake and eat it too – in moderation.
Instead of going for the second plate, demonstrate willpower and stop at one. Take sensible spoonsful of the foods you love, keeping an eye on the portions. This way, you can have what you love, you don’t need to deny yourself and you are not going over the top either.
Christmas time does not mean that you need to stop your usual healthy eating and exercise routine. Still endeavour to have a healthy breakfast and schedule in your workouts. On Christmas day itself, you might not feel like it, or have time to work out, a good walk after your massive dinner will do wonders. Not only will you it help you to burn a few calories, it will help aid digestion and build up an appetite for dessert.
When you go shopping, don’t shop hungry. Pack yourself a small bag of nuts and seeds and a piece of fruit in your bag when you go shopping. This will stop you going to the food court and eating something overpriced and most likely unhealthy.
This is an important tip at Christmas when there is so much food around. Chewing slowly will allow your brain time to catch up and register when you are actually full, rather than continuing to eat for 30 minutes after that point, until you feel very bloated and heavy.
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