Healthy Foods for Kids
The perfect time to teach children about healthy food and activity is school age. This is the time they start their hectic social life and begin to make their own choices. Children of this age learn quickly, and if they have a knowledge base on what is healthy, they can steer along that same path, making healthy choices along the way.
Children need a wide variety of healthy foods to make up a well-balanced diet. They also need an amount of physical activity in a day. When they are busy and happy, snacking is important to keep their energy levels high. It is up to you as the parent to help the make healthy snack choices for themselves.
Breakfast is Important
It is important for the health and wellbeing of your child to have a healthy breakfast in the morning. A good night’s sleep followed by a healthy breakfast will help your child to stay active and focused at school. A good breakfast also means that your child will be less hungry during the morning, this can help with performance at school.
School lunches
School lunches may be the bane of your existence, the worst part finding healthy options to fill those boxes. However, it needn’t be difficult, costly or time consuming.
Lunch box suggestions include:
- Wholemeal sandwiches filled with cheese, lettuce, tomato and grated carrot
- Wholemeal sandwiches filled with hummus and salad
- Dried fruits
- Vegetable sticks with avocado or hummus dip
- Fresh fruits
- Homemade healthy muffins
- Always give water as a drink option rather than fruit juice or iced tea. These options are very high in sugar.
Foods to limit or omit in school lunches:
- Processed meats such as ham, pressed chicken, salami
- Chips
- Sweet cookies
- Chocolate
- Lollies
- Muesli bars
- Breakfast bars.
After school snacks
Allow your child to choose their own snacks in the afternoon by giving them a wide variety of healthy choices.
- Home baked healthy muffins
- Fresh fruit
- Dried fruit
- Healthy crackers and cheese
- A bowl of soup and toast
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Children's Health