How Much Forgetfulness Is Normal
How much forgetfulness is normal
Forgetfulness can be a very normal part of the aging process. Many changes occur in the body and the brain as we grow older. Very often, this forgetfulness are just signs of mild absentmindedness, not serious memory problems.
Some causes of memory loss
Some memory problems are related to treatable health issues. Some of these may be:
- Medication side effects;
- Vitamin B12 deficiency;
- Chronic alcoholism;
- Tumours;
- Infections in the brain;
- Blood clots in the brain;
- Some thyroid, liver or kidney disorders.
- Emotional issues such as stress, anxiety or depression.
The confusion, forgetfulness caused by emotions are usually temporary and abscond once the negative emotions dissipate. It is important to seek the advice of a doctor or counsellor should these feelings last a long time.
Dementia is a condition that is characterised by the ‘loss of thinking, memory and reasoning skills to such an extent that it seriously a person’s ability to carry out daily activities. Dementia is not a disease itself but a group of symptoms caused by certain diseases or conditions such as Alzheimer’s. People with dementia lose their mental abilities at different rates.’1
Symptoms of dementia may include:
- Loss of memory;
- Asking the same questions or repeating the same story multiple times;
- Becoming lost in familiar places;
- Unable to follow simple instructions;
- Increasingly getting confused about time and places;
- Confused about familiar people or not recognising them;
- Neglecting personal hygiene;
- Neglecting personal safety;
- Neglecting nutritional needs.
As time goes by, these symptoms will worsen and the person will eventually need total care.
Keeping your mind and memory sharp
Those with some forgetfulness can use varying techniques to maintain a healthy mind and maintain memory and mental skills.
- Develop interests or hobbies;
- Engage in physical activities and exercise;
- Limit alcohol use;
- Play games like sudoku or crosswords;
- Get involved in activities that stimulate the mind.
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