How Remedial Massage Works
Remedial massage works intensively with deep tissue massage and mobilisation techniques on localised areas of your body to achieve the following:
- Blood Supply Stimulation – Massage helps the blood to circulate which nourishes and re-establishes a system to keep the flesh healthier. Indications of poor circulation include cold hands and toes, swollen ankles, feet and fingers.
- Toxin Clearing – Toxic poison in the muscles can take the form of persistent bruising or inflammation. Soft tissue work through remedial massage works to clear the toxins and bring back healthy flesh.
- Skin Nourishment – Massage gives the skin a healthy glow, refreshing skin that has become dry as a result of poor circulation.
- Calming of the Peripheral Nerves – Nerves that have become damaged by injury or infection can be treated by soft tissue massage that will help to bring in fresh blood to nourish the area. Regular gentle massage helps sensitive areas to recover and regain their natural function.
- Swelling Reduction – Massage above and around an inflamed joint encourages the fluid that is causing the swelling to disperse, promoting healthy lubrication and allowing swollen areas to return to normal size and movement.
- Relaxation – There is nothing like massage to bring about relaxation. When tension is removed from the tight muscles of the neck and shoulders, the whole back, the legs and the arms, it is no surprise that people often fall asleep during the healing process. People suffering from stress or poor sleeping habits should be given a massage regularly.
- Remove Stiffness – Overworked muscles often stiffen up, cramp or expand painfully. Deep soft tissue remedial massage works to break down the spasm and soften up the hard tissue releasing the stiffness.
- Muscle Strengthening – Regular massage is an effective treatment to bring back muscle strength and tone. This is best suited to sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis whose muscles have gone soft and weak or victims of a break whereby the muscle has not been used for many weeks and weakness has built due to non-use.
- Joint Mobility – Joints and muscles work together therefore if a joint is damaged or displaced, the surrounding muscles are put under strain. Remedial massage helps to relax the muscles, making bone adjustment easier. Follow-up treatment will strengthen the area, helping to prevent recurrence. Good massage is essential to heal injuries such as disc lesion in the back and whiplash in the neck.
Body Re-Balancing – Massage improves body mobility especially in the upper back neck area which is often restricted as a result of bad habits in posture.
Injury Treatment – Muscles, tendons and ligaments are all susceptible to injury and need skilled massage and exercise to bring about improvement.
Beauty Therapy – Facial massage is a treatment covering forehead, cheeks, eyes, whole face, neck and shoulders. It helps to fight sagging muscles and puts the life back into tired and dry skin.
- Pain Reduction – Tension and spasm in the muscles is often the cause for the pain people have in arms, legs, back, neck and head. Using massage to release the pain at the root of the problem will often relieve symptoms such as headaches.
Visit the Natural Therapy Pages local directory to find a remedial massage practitioner near you.
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Related Modalities
Massage - Deep Tissue
Massage - Remedial