The Homeopathic Medical Association, established in 1985, represents qualified professional homeopaths and promotes homeopathy and homeopathic education.
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Address | Gravesend Kent DA11 0RU |
Phone | 01474 560336 | Website | |
The HMA is committed to:
- The establishment of recognised standards of ethics, education and training
- Promotion and defence of professional interests
- Supporting continuing professional development of our Members
- Promotion of homeopathy, including a single professional register in print and online
- Co-operation with other health-care professions
- Promotion of scientific research and inquiry into homeopathy
- Patient insurance reimbursement for visits to HMA registered homeopaths
- Government initiatives involving homeopathy
Our Register of homeopaths enables you to seek homeopathic treatment with complete confidence. All HMA members have been individually interviewed and have demonstrated their clinical expertise and knowledge of homeopathy to the satisfaction of the HMA's Council.
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