Physiotherapists have an extensive knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body.
Welcome to Halstead Physiotherapy ClinicPhysiotherapists have an extensive knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. They have good understanding of many injuries and complaints and know how the body works and what happens when things go wrong. This knowledge ensures that the treatment you receive at Halstead and Haverhill Physiotherapy Clinic is suited to your specific needs.
Although it is possible to refer yourself to the clinic, physiotherapists work closely with General Practitioners (Doctors) in the local area. They also have links with Consultants at hospitals in the surrounding areas.
Prior to you first appointment you will be asked to sign a consent form to confirm that you agree for your problem to be assessed. All discussions and records are in the strictest of confidence.
During your first appointment your problem will be assessed and diagnosis made. This will involve a thorough examination and the physiotherapist will explain the procedure fully. Plastic models may be used to explain your condition and a treatment regime will be suggested. You are entitled to refuse any part of the treatment without prejudice in the future. The sessions will last approximately thirty minutes.
Physiotherapy plays a vital part in pain relief, healing and rehabilitation in most medial and surgical conditions.
Conditions Treated & Techniques
Physiotherapy plays a vital part in pain relief, healing and rehabilitation in most medial and surgical conditions. Below are listed some of the conditions that we treat at Halstead Physiotherapy Clinic.
Spinal Problems- Headaches
- Whiplash
- Prolapsed disc
- Back pain
- Sciatica
- Stiff/painful neck
- Referred arm pain
Joint Problems- Arthritis
- Fractures
- Pain/swelling and stiffness
Sports Injuries- Muscle
- Tendon
- Ligament strains including tennis elbow and sprained ankles
Chest Complaints- Pneumonia
- Cystic fibrosis
- Bronchitis
- Asthma
Neurological Conditions- Stroke / CVA
- Parkinsons
- MS
- Head Injury
Service Categories
Deep Tissue Massage, Physiotherapy, Remedial Massage, Sports Injury Therapy