The Life FertilityCare programme can help you understand
and manage this important part of your life.
Welcome to Fertilitycare
The Life FertilityCare programme promotes and supports reproductive health and fertility. FertilityCare helps couples to understand their fertility potential before they try to conceive and offers evaluation and treatment for infertility. There are many benefits and it can be learned at any time by a woman during her childbearing years.
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System combines family planning with the maintenance of reproductive and gyneacological health. This advanced education model uses Natural Procreative Technology (NaProTechnology) to track, evaluate, and modify the various biological markers identified in the course of a woman's cycle. These markers reveal critical information essential for restoring gyneacological and procreative health.
The teachers/practitioners involved in providing the Life FertilityCare programme have been fully trained and accredited by the FertilityCare™ and the NaProTechnology® programmes directed by Dr Thomas W Hilgers, MD, Pope Paul VI Institute, Nebraska, Omaha, USA.
Benefits of FertilityCare
Highly effective family planning
Free from any side-effects
Understanding your fertility cycle
Interprets your fertility potential
Maintains gynaecological health
Reduces the risk of miscarriage
Treats infertility
Builds self-esteem
Men get actively involved
Enhances couple communication
Extensive research has been carried out over 25 years into the Creighton Model FertilityCare System at the Schools of Medicine at St Louis and Creighton Universities and at the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction, Omaha.
Service Categories
Natural Fertility Management