A change for the better.
Welcome to Ayurvedic Yoga Massage
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage comrpises Yoga-based stretching and deep tissue muscle stimulation and massage to open and realign the entire body - a truly powerful system of body therapy. Whilst similar, at first glance, to Shiatsu or Thai and traditional Ayurvedic stroking massage (abhanya), it is actually a completely different system of therapeutic bodywork as it uses a unique system of synchronized breathing and stretching, progressively moving deeper and deeper within the body.
The Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Session
A session lasts 80-90 minutes and is performed on the floor, on a mattress. Deep tissue massage is performed on the skin with oils, Clients wear underwear and sheets and blankets are used to cover the body. This is chakra-based therapy (like yoda) developed to restore natural energy flow by realigning the body through massage and expansion of muscles and tendons, centring the spirit and giving clarity to the mind.
Service Categories
Ayurveda, Connective Tissue Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish Relaxation Massage