Felicitas was the Roman goddess of success, and that's what life coaching is all about - success in every area of your life whether that be career, relationships, money, health, confidence ... whatever you choose.
Welcome to Felicitas Life Coach
Whether you want to look at your career, finances, relationships (or lack of them!), health or any other area or all of them at once, your life coach will explore different options with you, map out a way forward and maybe even help you to decide what it is you really want in the first place. You and your coach will begin to set goals that will gently challenge and stretch your comfort zones until one day you look back and realise you've blasted right through them! Your coach will be with you every step of the way to keep you on track by reviewing your progress, offering encouragement just when you need it, motivating you and giving you the tools you need until you finally reach your ultimate achievement.
Life coaching is confidential, safe and ethical. Its about you getting results in whatever area of life you want them. Rather than dwelling on the past it focuses on the here and now and your future to help you set goals and achieve them. Already a huge business in the US having developed in the last century its gaining momentum in the UK and across the globe rapidly.
Many celebreties, entrepeneurs and already highly successful people use it to further enhance their success. Most of the bigger corporate organisations offer coaching to their high level executives to get them achieving super-charged results in their jobs. But many ordinary people use it too. They may have big dreams to achieve or just want to improve their lives. Many people want to improve their confidence, self-esteem and motivation or just need a bit of help working out what they want and a life coach makes all the difference. Some people feel they want some help in finding the right relationship or a better job, or maybe learn how to turn things around so that they make the most of what they've already got. In the same way you hire a personal trainer to help you achieve the ideal body, you hire a life coach to get an ideal life.
If you're serious about wanting to make changes in your life, no matter what they are, then all you have to do is ......
Service Categories
Life Coaching, Reiki