coaching and hypnotherapy helps the mindset of winners
"you talk, I listen - we decide"
Helping individuals and people in business to overcome obsticles and issues which effect their success and ability to grow.
Allowing people to meet their goals and focus on a better future - leaving behind 'things' which have caused an issue.
Private and confidential.
Coaching for Life or Business success:-
"Have you been stuck and not sure where to go next, deciding what direction to move to - unsure of how to plan your goals for the next month or year, big ideas or small ideas, maybe have so many questions and no real answers or just need a way to bounce ideas around - fancy having that support or sounding board - not making judgement, allowing you to make the right your own time".
Hypnotherapy and Mind Therapy:-
"Have that feeling that something is not quite how it should be , feeling scared to meet people or climb on to an aeroplane, need that cigarette to bost your many times when it just does not click the way it used to....maybe it's the weight or not being able to fit into the clothes anymore...wanting to give a speech at the wedding and sort of feeling hot under the collar before you even start"
Reiki Healing:-
"Strange emotions keep popping up and you have aching feelings for no reason....tried lots of different medicines but the pain is still there, trouble getting to sleep at night and not being able to relax....just need a little me time"
Indian head Massage:-
"Thight shoulders and aches in the muscles or a slight pain over the eyes, just generally run down with little niggles in the neck..."
Freeway Cer - Meridian Therapy :-
'Tap it away' "so many things are just not right and you need to be able to sort some of them out on your own....with a little help and guidance.... not in an immediate rush to get rid of everything but want to take time and work at in on your own.....measured results.."
What ever is the cause.... we can source the solution and best option...
Please call for more information or just to discuss how it all can even email me.
'we look forward to helping you"
Service Categories
Hypnotherapist, Indian Head Massage, Life Coaching, Reiki