Dr Hongtao Wang (ATCM) is qualified as both a medical doctor and acupuncturist.
SERVICES A 1 hr treatment consisting of 40 minutes acupuncture and 20 minutes acupressure costs £30. A course of 6 sessions pre-booked costs £150 and a course of 10 sessions pre-booked costs £240.
Customer comments:-
My neck and shoulder pain is much improved with the acupuncture and the deep massage. I go back for maintenance treatment every 4 weeks to keep it that way! - Mrs H, Pye Nest
"I came to the Alternative to STOP SMOKING. Since beginning the treatment I haven't craved a cigarette at all. It has helped with withdrawal symptoms too. I have tried many different ways in the past but this has been the most successful. - Miss B, Todmorden
QUALIFICATION DETAILS Batchelor Degree of Science in Acupuncture
Association of Chinese Medicine (UK)
Service Categories
Acupressure, Acupuncture