Summit House Support Ltd provides support to people living with HIV and AIDS in the Dudley and Sandwell region.
Welcome to Summit House Support Ltd
Who we are and how we work...
Our Aims:
At Summit House we provide a safe environment for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. We have a wide range of people who use our services. Our services are available to anyone who lives in Dudley or Sandwell. All our work is governed by a rigorous equal opportunities policy and confidentiality policy. You can read these policies here
Who are our services for?
Anyone who is HIV+, friends, partners, lovers, carers and families of HIV+ people.
How can I access services?
You can be referred from a GU clinic or another agency, or you can ring us to make an appointment to see one of our workers. You can also come along to one of the twice weekly drop-in sessions. If you contact us by phone or email we will aim to reply within one working day.
Our Main Services
Information on HIV & related issues
Referral and sign-posting
HIV related literature and leaflets
Condoms and lubricant
Internet access
Peer support groups
Social support
Massage and aromatherapy
Benefits/grants advice
Advocacy and liaison
HIV & AIDS Awareness Training
Opening times
when we are generally open to the public
Monday 1pm to 5.00pm
appointments only
Tuesday 9.00am to 5.00pm
drop-in session 11am to 4pm
Wednesday 9.00am to 5.00pm
Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm
drop-in session 11am to 4pm
Friday closed all day to users
emergency appointments available 9.00am - 4.30pm
Service Categories