Yoga Classes in Langport
Tuesday Mornings - 9.30 - 11am
Ridgway Hall, Stacey's Court, Langport, Somerset
Hatha Yoga - Classes include general limbering, stretching and strengthening, yoga posture work, breathing exercises and relaxation. A relaxed, friendly approach providing support and encouragement for all abilities. Beginners very welcome.
You are welcome to come and try a class, please ring first. 1.5 hr class - £5. To book your place and for further details please contact Beccy Swaine email
Welcome to Beccy Swaine Yoga Teacher
What is yoga?
In the West, the most widely taught form of yoga is Hatha Yoga with classes offering students exercises to stretch and flex the body, develop breath awareness, relaxation and sometimes meditation.
Yoga offers us a holistic approach to body, mind and spirit, which can provide us with the ‘tools’ to cope with the challenges of daily life.
In our hectic modern world many people are taking ‘time out’ to practice yoga - a system of philosophy that originated in India 5,000 years ago. Everyone can practice yoga, regardless of age, sex or ability.
British Wheel of Yoga Teachers
The British Wheel of Yoga is recognised by Sport England as the governing body for Yoga in the UK. This means that the British Wheel of Yoga is responsible for promoting and maintaining standards of yoga teaching throughout the country.
The BWY Diploma is recognised around the world and is considered the gold standard qualification. Some people try to learn to teach yoga in a weekend but these qualifications are often of very poor quality.
The British Wheel of Yoga Teaching Diploma takes three to four years to complete, part time, and follows on from the Foundation Course.
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