Osteopathy is a way of detecting and treating damaged parts of the body such as muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints.
Welcome to Emma Ross Osteopathy
Emma is celebrating 21 years in practice as an osteopath. Emma graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in 1988 having completed the four-year full-time diploma course in osteopathy. In 1990 she set up her first practice (still thriving) at the Maple Leaf Pharmacy in Twickenham. This practice she subsequently sold when she moved to Hassocks in 1998. She then set up her current practice in Hassocks from her home. She also works in Hove, East Sussex at a Natural Balance, no 30 The Drive. www.anaturalbalance.co.uk (link opens in a new browser tab).
As part of an osteopath’s continual professional development (CPD) obligation Emma undertakes at least thirty hours of CPD per year. For example she has just attended a highly informative sports injuries conference at Wembley stadium.
Emma is a member of the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and the British Osteopathic Association (BOA).
Emma has two children.
What is osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a way of detecting and treating damaged parts of the body such as muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints. When the body is balanced and efficient it will function with the minimum of wear and tear, leaving more energy for living.
Structural Osteopathy
The neuro-musculo-skeletal system is the largest system in the body, constructed of muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and neurological parts that co-ordinate the whole system. This system is what enables us to express our thoughts and emotions. The cardiovascular, digestive, circulatory and neurological systems enable optimal function and coordination for the movement and operation of the neuro-musculo-skeletal system. Correct mechanical functioning of this system is therefore essential.
Osteopathy ensures harmony and balance to minimise wear and tear on this system. It is particularly concerned with the relation between structure and function. Osteopaths use a wide variety of approaches to treatment and can bring relief or improvement to many conditions affecting, for example, the elderly, children, sportsmen and women; and to problems that arise during or after pregnancy.
What do osteopaths treat?
Osteopathy is effective for a wide range of conditions including:- Lower and upper back pain
- Sciatica
- Sports injuries
- Trapped nerves
- Frozen shoulder
- Tennis/Golfers elbow
- Neck pain
- Whiplash
- Headaches
- Occupational strain
- Joint pain/dysfunction – wrists, hips, knees ankles etc
- Arthritis
- Postural problems
- Problems arising in or after pregnancy.
What does the treatment aim to do?- Restore homeostasis and equilibrium
- Restore muscle and joint function
- Improve and maintain flexibility
- Reduce muscle spasm
- Maintain nerve supply
- Improve circulation.
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