Over the last 10 years I have treated many people both in their workplace and at home with an 80% success rate.
Welcome to Time Out Of Mind
Time Out of Mind is a play on words - Time Out // Out of Mind
I have worked in Commerce doing all sorts of jobs in my life, each time it has been obvious that there is a lot of Stress at all levels, which needs to be sorted out. Reiki and Spiritual Healing is the way to go, and TimeoutofMind is the place to look.
I have been a healer all my life, but it took an enlightened person to tell me so, we all have it in us to be just that.
Remember when we were kids, that scrape, when Mummy/Daddy rubbed it and kissed it better, the pain went away and all was well.
What is REIKI?
It is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. The word is derived from two Japanese words - REI which means "God's wisdom or the Higher Power" and KI which is "life force energy". Reiki is not taught in the usual sense but is transferred to the student during a class by means of an attunement, which in lay terms is an opening up into the "KI energy".
REIKI treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit. Wonderful feelings of peace, harmony and joy can be experienced from a treatment, which can last between 15 minutes and an hour - maybe longer if one needs it. A treatment is done by the laying on of hands at certain points around the body (or if the person wishes, just above).
To quote one of the world's foremost REIKI Masters, my Master teacher William Lee Rand "It is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side affects and promote recovery".
The bottom line: Using Reiki as a form of relaxation, helps in reducing stress and anxiety increasing your energy and improving your physical health and wellness feeling more peaceful obtaining perceptual clarity experiencing deep relaxation and bliss receiving greater joy and confidence gaining greater enthusiasm and ease in daily living expanding your sense of well-being.
I took the step to be opened up to the Reiki world, in 1999 and became a Master/Practitioner/Teacher in 2002. The time is now to join me in enhancing your life with a boost of "Unconditional Love"! in Reikiparty.com
Believe me, it's worth it
Over the last 10 years I have treated many people both in their workplace and at home with an 80% success rate.
Thinking about taking on Animals as a Complementary activity with Vets. Considering also the healing of Sportsmen/Women for muscular injuries.
Service Categories
Reiki, Spiritual Healing