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Aurora Natural Healing

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Homeopathy, Bowen Therapy, Aromatherapy, Massage, Reflexology, Allergy Testing, Crystal Therapy

Newtown SY16 4PD
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Aromtherapy Massage

A massage using aromatherapy oils blended in a base oil or massage cream. At the moment we have over 40 different aromatherapy oils to chose from when we make up an oil for you.

Body Massages

A massage using Oil, cream or powder. This can be as relaxing or invigorating as you need.

Sports Massages
A massage designed for the athlete. Good for pre & post competition and for the treatment of sport injuries.


1/2 HOURS £25
1&1/2HOURS £35


A treatment good for injuries £30

Paraffin Wax Treatments

A treatment where a layer of massage cream is put on the skin under a layer of hot paraffin wax. It helps with painful joints & helps to make the skin feel softer .Cost depends on area treated



Facial Massages


Crystal Healing

Crystal therapy some times called crystal healing or gem therapy, is the use of crystals and gemstones for their therapeutic, healing properties. It is thought that we work on specific frequencies. When these natural frequencies become unbalanced, we experience disease. Crystals oscillate to a natural healing frequency that is activated by mental energy energy is channeled through the crystal from an inexplicable source, Crystals have been used throughout history for their healing qualities and beauty. Many people believe that each stone emits a certain energy, which can have a beneficial effect on our well being. Does it work? Wear one and judge for yourself.

Crystal & the Chakras

Placing a stone of the correct colour on its respective chakra will help restore structure, harmony and balance to our entire system. Unfortunately, the stresses of modern life mean this is hardly ever unnecessary. Simply placing the different stones on the chakras, while relaxing or going to sleep will have profound effects on our bodies, minds and emotions.

Thermal Auricular Therapy

Thermal Auricular Therapy or Ear Therapy is a centuries-old healing therapy used by the
Ancient Egyptian the Hopi Indians of Americans.

Candles are made out of cotton dipped in bees wax that has Chamomile, sage, St John’s Wort and honey. A candle is placed in each ear and lit, this creates a vacuum which draws out the debris and gently massages the ear drum, stimulating the blood and lymph circulation.

The therapy is used to treat such conditions as tinnitus Catarrh, blocked ears ,hay fever, sinusitis, glue ear, colds vertigo, snoring, ear wax - Treatments £25.

Hopi ear candles Treatments are available with Christine Evans


at The Aurora Natural Healing Centre

Treatments last for 60 minutes and include face & neck massage & ear Reflexology.


Reflexology is an extremely effective form of foot massage. it is based on the principle that reflex points on the feet correspond to each organ and structure in the body with these points being linked to those organs and structures by energy channels, zones or meridians.

When illness or imbalance occurs in the body the corresponding energy channels become blocked and reflexology massage is aimed to destroy these blocks allowing the energy to flow freely again so restoring the body’s natural balance and 900d health. Reflexology is an ideal mix of both old and new skills to activate the healing powers of the body.

Based on an ancient Chinese therapy, reflexology involves manipulation of specific reflex areas in the foot, hands and ears that correspond to other parts of the body. Sometimes referred to as zone therapy, this bodywork involves application of pressure to these reflex zones to stimulate body organs and relieve areas of congestion. Similar to acupressure principles, reflexology works with the body’s energy flow to stimulate self- healing and maintain balance in physical function. Developed in the United States in the early 1900s, this technique is used today to reduce pain, increase relaxation and stimulate circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids.

Reflexology is not a new method of treatment. It goes back at least 5000 years when some form of pressure therapy was practised in China, India and Egypt; a wall painting, found in the tomb of the Egyptian physician Ankhmahor at Saqqara (about 2330 BC), shows such treatment being administered
The story of modern foot reflexology started in America at the beginning of this century when Dr William Fitzgerald, on ear, nose and throat specialist, noticed that his patients experienced different levels of pain during their operations. He observed that the patients who experienced less pain were those who during the operation were squeezing their hands together tightly. This led him, together with some of his colleagues, to investigate and chart the pressure points which led to a reduction in pain. Eunice Ingram, a team, explored the idea further. She argued that if hard pressure stops the sensation of pain being relayed to the brain, reduced pressure might stimulate the nerve impulses and achieve therapeutic effects beyond pain reduction. Whilst working on the hands she found that reflex points could also be found on the feet and that working on them was more effective.

Treatments £25

Homoeopathic Treatments for Colds, Coughs & Flu

Flu or Influenza is a highly infectious disease that affects the upper respiratory tract .The main symptoms are headache, sore throat and severe pain in limbs and back with a high temperature, which leaves the people feeling depressed, exhausted and tired . It can be fatal But Homoeopathy as been shown time & time again to be effective in Influenza Epidemics (In the 1918-20 epidemic orthodox treatment lost 30% of their patients whilst homeopathic treatment had a death rate of under 1%.{Dr Dorothy Shepherd}) This proves that homeopathic treatments can be highly effective against flu epidemics.. If you are too ill to come in we will do home visits..

Coughs & Colds

In a healthy person a common cold lasts for at the most a week with some of the daily home based precautions and treatments like avoiding further exposure, taking steam inhalations and other precautions. But when still the symptoms are persistent and the person is not getting better then there is a requirement of medication to get back to normal. Homoeopathy not only treats the person from the coughs and colds but also generates the static immune system into a dynamic one to recover against this affection as well as build the resistance against these affecting organisms and conditions. It has been proven effective in both acute and chronic complaints. Every person is born with some tendencies in
general, there are patients who are having the tendencies of catching colds and coughs frequently, Homoeopathy can effectively act on such individuals deeply and can make the person fight against the external factors as and when required on their own. Hence instead of taking the medicines frequently when affected by the ailments, its better to treat it homoeopathically from its roots. Homoeopathic treatment is without any undesired side effects and can be very efficient in the multiple resistant individuals also. Prevention of an Illness is better than cure.

Why try Homoeopathy?

“You should not expect your doctor to prescribe antibiotics for colds, or for most coughs and sore throats, are caused by viruses, because antibiotic resistance is a problem now. “Firstly, it is becoming more common. Some bacteria are now resistant to several antibiotics: they are ‘multidrug resistant’ Secondly. we can not be sure we will always be able to find new antibiotics to replace the old ones. In recent years fewer new antibiotics have been discovered” (The whole story by Powys Local Health Board)

Pregnancy, Childbirth & After


Homoeopathy can help in Pregnancy with the following symptoms: morning sickness, urinary problems, diarrhoea ,heartbum, constipation, anaemia, vancose veins, cramps, thrush raised blood pressure, oedema & emotional distress etc.

The right Nutrition can help both mother & baby stay healthy.

The Bowen technique is safe to help pregnant ladies with back, muscle, joint pain, morning sickness & oedema.


Homoeopathic remedy can be used in child birth with pain, excessive bleeding, if the cervix is slow to dilate , to start labor, to regulate and strengthen the contractions, to help with exhaustion, panic or fear etc.
The Bowen Technique can help to start & maintain contractions and help with pain.

After care for mother & child

For the mother

Homoeopathy can help with retained placenta, soreness bruising ,after pains, painful nipples, slow or poor milk supply & mastitis. Emotional distress ( post— natal depression) The Bowen Technique can help the mother get her muscles and pelvis back into place after the birth & can help the child with colic etc.

For the child

Homoeopathy can help with shock & bruising after birth, jaundice ,colic, not feeding, poor growth, teething & poor sleeping etc. It can also provide a safe alternative to vaccinations.

Homoeophatic Programmes for Infertility & Sexual problems

Male & Female Infertility

To have children is one of the strongest needs that a lot of couples have and it can be very distressing if they find that they have difficulty in conceiving.

Homoeopathy can help put right a lot of problems that can stop conception Around 1/3 of Male Infertility problems are prevalent in the Infertile couples. Hence it is important to find the cause and treat accordingly to Male or Female or both.

For the Male

Hormonal lmbalance( Androgen)
Low sperm count
Damage to sperm due to abuse of
tobacco , alcohol and drugs.
Impotency & stress
Varicocele & Abnormal Conditions of

For the Female

Hormonal Imbalance Ovarian Cyst
Lack of Ovulation
Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Lack of Libido & Stress
A Healthy Sex Life is although not the only thing a couple strive to, but it is one of the most important aspects which cant be underestimated.

Male Sexual Problems

Most men takes pride in satisfying their partner but there are certain problems that can affect the performance directly or indirectly, mentally or organic in nature or some drugs (Antihypertensive) and over consumption of alcohol & tobacco or some chronic endocrine illnesses like Diabetes Mellitus etc. or penile abnormalities or neurological diseases. And also the Prostate Problems.
Homoeopathy can help with the following conditions:


Loss of Libido

Inability to get or maintain erection.

Inability to reach the climax

Premature Ejaculation

Hormonal Imbalance like Hyperprolactinemia

Female Sexual Problems

Lack of Libido

which can be emotional like a distorted view of sex given by the parents or abused or any unpleasant sexual experience like rape or a brutal partner.

Physical problems like vaginismus or abnormal intra uterine bleeding or any other local pathological conditions etc.

Some Endocrinal problems like menopausal changes, or lack of libido after the child birth or the other hormonal changes because of any pathological conditions of endocrine glands.

Service Categories
Aromatherapy, Bowen Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Deep Tissue Massage, Ear Candling, Homeopaths, Natural Fertility Management, Reflexology, Sports Injury Therapy, Sports Massage, Womens Health

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