Welcome to Acupuncture Society
The Acupuncture Society is a professional body of acupuncture practitioners recognized by the London Local Authorities on 29th October 1996 under the London Local Authorities Act 1991 section (4). The Acupuncture Society was formed to promote the development of TCM as an effective medical practice and at the same time to serve as a bridge to modern medicine. Members are bound by a strict Code of Ethics, Rules and Regulations and a Code of Professional Conduct.
They are obliged to comply with local health authority safety, hygiene and sterilization requirements and carry full indemnity insurance and attend CPD courses. The Acupuncture Society is also a forum for qualified practitioners, regular meetings are held to discuss complex cases and new medical and political developments in the field. The Acupuncture Society is for the continued development of practitioners within the profession. It provides support to practitioners for all aspects of their clinical practice, licensing, insurance, advanced certification etc The Acupuncture Society were asked to contribute towards the draft National Professional Standards for Acupuncture and the Department of Education has also sort the advice of The Acupuncture Society relating to how the public can best be informed about the benefits of the acupuncture profession. The Acupuncture Society are currently attending the Acupuncture Stakeholders Group meetings and are participating in the future regulation of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in the UK.
Service Categories
Acupressure, Acupuncture, Cupping, Herbalists