The ability of acupuncture to help the body to heal itself amazes me...
Welcome to Tim Gough Acupuncture
The ability of acupuncture to help the body to heal itself amazes me. Following a course of acupuncture, I became inspired to learn as much as possible about traditional Chinese medicine, and to see how I could help to integrate Chinese medicine with mainstream British medical practice.
I trained for four years at the London College of Traditional Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. This course is accredited at the highest level by the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board, and the qualification confers automatic entitlement to join the British Acupuncture Council. As well as training in Chinese medicine, the course includes the study of anatomy, physiology and pathology.
What can acupuncture help?
Chinese medicine is a complete system of medicine, and can therefore be used to help a wide variety of conditions, including:
Musculoskeletal: aches, pains, strains, bad backs, slipped discs, arthritis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder
Gynaecological: infertility, irregular periods, heavy bleeding, amenorrhoea, PMS, hot flushes, night sweats, nausea, pain
Pregnancy: morning sickness, anxiety, backache, preparing for labour
Digestive: IBS, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, diarrhoea, constipation, wind, bloating, belching, abdominal distention, lack of appetite.
Respiratory: Asthma, breathlessness, allergies, rhinitis, sinusitis, hayfever, chronic and acute cough, colds.
Insomnia, tiredness, lack of energy: difficulty falling or staying asleep, chronic fatigue syndrome, ME, feeling rundown
Stress and Anxiety: panic attacks, depression, frustration, OCD, seasonal affective disorder, difficulty in decision making, feeling low, stress.
Headaches: chronic headaches and migraines (If you are suffering from a severe and unusual headache with recent onset , or following an accident, please consult your GP or seek emergency treatment before making an appointment).
Urinary problems: dribbling, leaking, enuresis (night-time urination), bed-wetting, cystitis, prostatitis, difficulty urinating, burning upon urination.
Skin: rashes, eczema, acne, spots, psoriasis, hairloss
If you have any questions about the suitability of acupuncture for your condition please do call me on 07812 214474 or email me to discuss.
Service Categories
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)