Our treatments include:
Osteomyology, Physiotherapy, Therapy Massage, Remedial Massage, Neuro-muscular Massage, Mobilisations, Manipulative Therapy, Electrotherapy, Sports Therapy, Remedial Exercise Therapy, Reiki, Hopi Ear Candles.
Welcome to Belper Backpain Clinic- Osteomyology
- Physiotherapy
- Therapy Massage
- Remedial Massage
- Neuro-muscular Massage
- Mobilisations
- Manipulative Therapy
- Electrotherapy
- Sports Therapy
- Remedial Exercise Therapy
- Reiki
- Hopi Ear Candles
As you see we are not Osteopaths or Chiropractors we are Osteomyologists; Osteo - Bone, Myo - Muscle, Ology - Study. We treat muscles as well as the joints, as we believe that any affected joint will have an effect on the muscles connected to that joint. We treat the patient as a whole not just a problem in the “back,” or “neck” etc. Before we commence any treatment we perform a full neurological and physical examination first and only after a full consultation do we advise the patient of our findings and suggest the relevant treatment, with their signed approval.
If attending the clinic from the A6 Derby having travelled through Belper you will see a large red brick building at the T-junction. If you turn left at the traffic lights, when you have gone under a building that spans the road you will see a car park on your right hand side our free car park is indicated there. When travelling down the A6 from Ambergate you will see the large red brick building turn right at the traffic lights when you have gone under a building that spans the road you will see a car park on your right hand side our free car park is indicated there. If coming from the Ashbourne road, when you go over the bridge of the river Derwent the car park is immediately over the bridge. After parking walk toward belper and there is a door in an alcove please press 46 and then the bell sign (top right corner) and the receptionist will let you in then you can come up the lift (or the stairs if you wish), to the 5th floor.
Mac Thacker N.I.M. (Dip. Hon.)
LCSP (Man. Ther.), F.O.A. (Man Ther), NAMMT (Manip Th.),
Consultant Osteomyologist, Registered HPC (State Registered) Physiotherapist.
Tracey Kaye LCSP (Man. Ther.), M.O.A. (Man Ther), NAMMT (Manip Th.),
HPC (State Registered) Physiotherapist, Consultant Osteomyologists
Service Categories
Ear Candling, Physiotherapy, Reiki, Remedial Massage, Sports Injury Therapy