Practitioner of the McTimoney and Bowen techniques for relief of pain in humans and animals.
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Dianne Bradshaw
Practitioner of the McTimoney and Bowen techniques for relief of pain in humans and animals.
About Dianne
Treatment in Manipulation and Bowen Technique
Dianne Bradshaw BSc(Hons) completed her training at the McTimoney School in 1986 and went on to qualify in Animal Manipulation in December 1993. She then studied the Bowen Technique for people and animals in 1998 to extend her practice in the treatment of back and neck pain and many related problems.
After completing my training in 1986 I set up my practice in Wilmslow in Cheshire where I had a very busy clinic treating people and gaining the experience I use today.
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Treatment For People
Dianne works as a member of the ACM (Association for Classical Manipulation) and BCMA (British Complementary Medicine Association) using gentle manipulation to maintain and restore health by means of the realignment of the spine and other joints of the body.
Since the whole body is controlled by the nervous system and most of the body’s nerve supply passes through the spine, it follows that if the spine is maintained in it’s correct alignment, nerve impulses travel freely and without interference so allowing natural self healing to maintain health.
The conditions which can benefit include Migraine and Tension Headaches, Neck and Shoulder Tension, Frozen Shoulder, Tennis Elbow, Back Pain, Sciatica, Knee and Ankle problems.
Bowen Technique
The Bowen Technique is a gentle effective treatment working on the muscles and soft tissue to give pain relief, promote healing, and increase energy levels. During treatment the body is encouraged to realign itself without the need for manipulation or force which makes the treatment so unique.
The work can be performed through light clothing and 2 or 3 treatments at weekly intervals are often sufficient to achieve lasting relief from even long standing problems although sometimes further treatment may be required.
It is used for Back, Neck and Joint related problems as in the Classical Manipulation but is also useful for Asthma, Hayfever and M.E.sufferers.
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Treatment For Animal
John McTimoney developed his approach to gentle manipulation in the 1950’s and modified his human techniques to apply specifically to animals.
Dianne had always wanted to work with horses and studied a Degree in Animal Sciences at Wye College, Kent before finding her career as an Animal Manipulator. Her work involves 90% horses and 10% dogs, with occasional cats and some farm animals. She has since written on her work in magazines and journals.
Horses and dogs, like people can suffer back, neck and muscular injuries causing pain, sickness, lack of performance and behavioural changes. Both McTimoney manipulation and Bowen Therapy can help relieve the animal’s pain and restore movement. Several treatments may be required depending on the nature of the injury suffered.
As a guide owners should consider treatment if their animal shows any of the following signs:
- Uneven wearing of shoes in horses/claws in small animals
- Changes of temperament/ Uncharacteristic behaviour
- Unlevelness, disunited gait or irregular action
- Stiffness on one rein in horses/ Dogs showing stiffness after resting
- Sore or cold backs in horses/ Dogs reluctant to go walks or play as usual
- Uneven muscle development
- Unexplained resistances such as rearing, bucking, refusing fences
Treatment is undertaken with veterinary approval.
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Diploma in McTimoney Manipulation
Animal McTimoney Manipulation
The Bowen Technique (ECBS)
Equine Muscle Release Therapy (Bowen Therapy for Horses)
Service Categories
Animal Therapy, Bowen Therapy, Remedial Therapies, Sports Injury Therapy