Would you like to improve your quality of life, vitality, well-being and have a more balanced body and mind? Have you thought about acupuncture for your health now and in the future? Call Claire to find out how acupuncture can help you: 079 6977 0356 or 01483 414939.
Free 15 minute consultation.
Many people turn to acupuncture for help with a specific symptom or condition, for example: headaches, anxiety, arthritis, sports injury, backache, circulatory problems, facial paralysis, fibrosis, high blood pressure, menstrual problems, chronic fatigue or infertility. Others choose to have treatment to help maintain good health, as a preventive measure, or to improve their general sense of wellbeing.
Because traditional acupuncture aims to treat the whole person rather than specific symptoms in isolation, it can be effective for a range of conditions. Acupuncture is holistic in its treatment, treating the mind, spirit and body by balancing and harmonising the body’s energy.
Call Claire today and find out how Acupuncture can help you.
This art of healing is now common place over the world to treat a range of conditions. Large scale research in Europe and the US have now shown that acupuncture can be effective for conditions such as headaches and arthritis and improving the chances of conception for women using IVF.
Acupuncture was discovered over 2,000 years ago that stimulating certain points in the body could bring about healing of the body’s systems and organs. Chinese medicine considers the smooth flow of energy in the body as fundamental to health. Acupuncture accesses this energy know as Qi, which flows through channels below the skin, helping to restore balance to the body’s systems.
Acupuncture is holistic in its treatment, treating the mind, spirit and body by balancing and harmonising the body’s energy. This can give a general sense of improved well-being. Acupuncture is a complement to conventional medicine. Unlike conventional medicine it does not have any side effects and is natural as it uses the body’s own energy to heal.
Acupuncture Therapy
On every visit your pulses are taken and this combined with other signs and symptoms will allow Claire to make a personal treatment plan. Claire will then discus the treatment options, most commonly this will include acupuncture therapy.
Acupuncture Therapy involves the use of fine single use sterile needles used in specific locations. The needles are much finer to the large needles used in conventional medicine. The needles are sometimes left in for up to 20 minutes during which you may feel deeply relaxed. Most commonly 6-10 needles are used per treatment.
A finger or device can be used to stimulate an acupuncture point without the use of needles. This can stimulate and re-balance the bodies systems and functions.
Based on the healing therapy of Tui na. This is a very pleasant type of healing massage helping repair the body tissue.
This is the placing of vacuum cups on the body, commonly on the back. This varies from a very gentle suction to a slightly stronger suction. This can draw out tension from the body leaving you relaxed and comfortable.
This is a gentle scrap of the skin to invigorate the body’s energy. It can give a sense of release as well as relaxation.
Moxa is a herb that is burnt close to the skin to stimulate the body’s energy. It will not burn the skin but will feel deeply warming. This is used on specific acupuncture points to warm and strengthen a particular system of the body.
For more information or to see how Claire Arthur Acupuncture Therapy can help contact her today!
BSc Hons Psychology
Registered and insured member of The British Acupuncture Council
As a member of the British Acupuncture Council I am bound by strict codes of safe and professional practice
Additional CPD on:
• Acupuncture and the Treatment of Older People
• Electro-acupuncture for musclo-skeletal problems
• Sports medicine – musclo-skeletal injuries
• Food Therapy: What really has an impact on our health
• The art of feeling the Qi
• Facial diagnosis
• Signs of fertility on the face
• Cosmetic Acupuncture for facial rejuvenation
• IVF with Jill Glover
• Reiki training
Service Categories
Acupuncture, Chinese Massage, Cupping, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)