detox ■ Colonic Irrigation ■ Food Sensitivity Testing ■ Reiki ■ Dietary Advice ■ Effective Natural Supplements ■ Organic Spray Tanning
Welcome to DETOX
Healthy Bowels, Healthy Body, Happy Life!
detox is all about good health from the inside out, and the bottom up!! I provide products and services (along with 9 years experience and vast amounts of study and research) to help you to improve your health, naturally. My approach is based on the belief that natural health and beauty comes from within, it's about getting back to basics and adopting a holistic approach, but not about living like a saint!
Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonic Irrigation), Food Sensitivity Testing and Detoxing
"We are what we eat" is a popular saying but it is much closer to the truth to say that we are what we eat, digest, absorb, assimilate and how effectively we eliminate (but it's just not that catchy!). Colon Hydrotherapy, Food Sensitivity Testing and detoxing form the foundations of my practice. The aim is to maximise health and wellbeing by "tweaking" your diet and lifestyle whilst using products and services to work towards achieving efficient digestion, absorption, assimilation and elimination. You can't be truly happy and healthy whilst dragging around stale and stagnant waste in your colon! And you might be surprised just how much even healthy foods can undermine your health if you have developed a sensitivity.
Digestive Health and Weight Loss
The aim for my website, in addition to promoting detox, is to provide a comprehensive source of useful, accurate information in connection with digestive health and weight loss. I am providing information and guidance relating to specific conditions and more will be added over the coming months. My motivation is to support people to help themselves to achieve good health. Truly healthy people are happy people!
Online Shopping - Natural Products That Work
(click here)
I have started putting together a comprehensive range of quality products to aid in the pursuit of optimum health and natural beauty. All products available on my site are made without chemicals, have all been tried, tested and found to be effective (and value for money). New products will be added regularly as I find those that really do what they say. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like some help with your choice.
Healthy Mind Healthy Body
And you can't just work on your body and forget your mind! Many people's eating issues for example have their origins or are maintained in their subconscious. So, for example, if you are struggling to lose weight it could be some unresolved issue from the past... or it could be as a result of a food sensitivity, a nutrient deficiency, poor bowel bacterial balance (which can make you anxious and/or depressed and lacking in motivation), a disordered diet or poorly functioning digestive system... all of which we can help you with.
Good Health From the Bottom Up
So you see, what's on offer at detox is designed to work together to offer a total approach, to deal with the very foundations of good health.
And as a large percentage of the population appear to be keen to lose weight we can now offer really comprehensive assistance. Below is a brief synopsis of the therapies currently on offer.
Colon Hydrotherapy (also known as Colonic Irrigation, Colonic Lavage, Colonics)
Excellent for those aiming for optimum health and wellbeing, to kick start and support weight loss, banish bloating, normalise bowel function, beat constipation or diarrhoea. Also useful for PMS, insomnia, halitosis, digestive issues, skin disorders, dark under eye circles, excess gas, IBS, diverticulosis and for general detox. Additional benefits include clear eyes, fresh skin and a flatter tummy. Best health and beauty treatment money can buy. Boosts the results of any other therapy/treatment both conventional and complementary. Visit my website for more information.
Food Sensitivity Testing
Read My Story and find out how a Food Sensitivity Test changed my life. If you are sticking to a weight loss plan or know that you are not over eating but yet are failing to lose weight food sensitivities could be the reason. The same applies to those who cannot gain weight, sufferers of IBS, indigestion, bloating, abdominal pain and cramps etc. The test is non-invasive and the results are immediate. Recommended for anyone who has "symptoms" that have so far defied diagnosis by your GP. Always worth considering even if you think food is not the problem. I never imagined that it could be healthy foods that were making me ill. Visit my website for full details of the food sensitivity test and details of common symptoms caused by food sensitivity.
Organic Spray Tanning
A bit of a swerve for me! I don't believe in going to therapists who offer a million and one modalities on the basis that you can't be really good at everything. But when I discovered that there was an organic option for spray tanning I thought it was a useful addition to the practice (and besides it makes a bit of a change from doing colonics). A brilliant product, all natural and organic, no nasty chemicals and no orange umpa lumpa effect guaranteed
Believe it or not, stress can make you fatter, produce IBS symptoms, disrupt bowel bacteria, impair digestion, suppress your immune system and a whole host of other health issues! If you want to be truly healthy then you have to deal with all the issues in your life especially stress which is widely acknowledged as a killer. Reiki is a fantastic, natural, non-invasive therapy that works on both a physical and emotional level. Deeply relaxing, it is a terrific stress buster.
Service Categories
Colonic Irrigation, Mens Health, Nutrition, Reiki, Weight Loss, Womens Health