Welcome to Fit Me So what happens if you DO train with us...? You'll be asked to do MORE than many other personal trainers in the area will ask of you You'll be asked to KEEP your end of the deal too - meaning that you will be held to your word that you'll comeplete what we ask you to do. No bullying, nagging or beating, but maybe some 'tougher love' on days where you need it. You don't have to be fit, healthy or in shape before you can be helped (after all thats what your asking for isnt it!) but you need to be willing to take the neccessary steps to get there. At your free consultation we'll be checking you out as much as you're checking us out - after all, we don't want you to be spending your money on something you're not totally ready for. But isn't it worth it to actually get what you want?!
About Jenni..... Jenni originally got in to fitness at age 12 when she started attending a community step aerobics class in Canterbury with her aunt who didnt want to go to a class on her own. This ignited some passion for group exercise as Jenni went on to qualify to teach fitness classes and personal training at age 19. After spending 2 or 3 years working in a small ladies only gym & a large well known fitness chain gym, Jenni got disillousioned with the fitness industry and the lack of results that people were getting. Seeing the same people week after week after week, trudging in to the gym, forcing themselves to exercise - looking bored and staring mindlessly at the tv's, never ever changing their body shape and the dull atmosphere was something that she didn't want to be part of. Jenni decided that enough was enough and went to get a 'proper job' in an office, whilst teaching clases on the side to stay connected with the fitness industry. The team she worked with were great but the job wasn't really fulfilling - unsocial hours and boring paperwork. However in 2006 the possibility of redudancy and redeployment in her job loomed and rather than take a position where she wasn't happy she decided to look into starting her own business where things can be done the way she wanted them to be done. Jenni has now been running a successful personal training, fitcamp and community fitness business for the last 3 years, helping women in Medway to lose weight, drop clothing sizes and get themselves fitter & healthier, all without the need for a gym or posh studio. Jenni teaches personal training clients in their homes in Medway & Maidstone, runs a successful 'drop a dress size' fitness camp and teaches group exercise classes in the commmunity.
ZUMBA Basics 1
ZUMBA Basics 2
ZUMBA Toning
GB Fitness/NABBA Advanced gym instructor course
Rachel Holmes' Teaching Group X for Teens
Cherry Baker - Fit to Drop
Cherry Baker - Birth to Fit
IIHHT Personal Trainer Diploma
CA Fitness - Theory to teach childrens exercise
CA fitness - Fundamental Fitness (age 6-16)
CA Fitness - Junior Combat (age 6-16)
Intelligent Fitness - Fitballs Level 1
Fitness Pilates Certification
YMCA Exercise to Music
YMCA Gym Instructor
YMCA Cardio Vascular Machine training
YMCA Resistance training
Les Mills BTS Body Combat
Les Mills BTS Body Pump
Diploma in Health & Fitness
Advanced Diploma in Health & Fitness
IIHHT Body Massage
IIHHT Sports Massage
CRB Enhanced Disclosure checked
Service Categories
Weight Loss