Work with an ENERGIST, choose me, Alan Balfour PhD.
I specialise in several meridian therapies, Energy EFT (eEFT), Positive EFT (+EFT) & emotional transformation (eMo), relatively recent techniques developed by Dr Silvia Hartmann, with whom I have trained. They are processes that help you work more directly with the energy of your emotion or issue.
Positive EFT focuses on inviting positive qualities into your life to move you to where you choose to be. It is not always necessary to revisit the incidents in the past that gave rise to our current challenges. Tapping on various points on the body is involved, similar to earlier versions of EFT.
In Emotional Transformation (eMo) we ask “Where do you feel this issue in your body? Show me with your hands...”. We then use focused intent & breathing to encourage the trapped emotion to move, so it can flow, in through & out the energy system. Rapid shifts can occur, moving you into a positive high energy state, rather than leaving you in “neutral”, as many other therapies do.
I run this energy work as a coaching session & you can quickly learn to do the process for yourself.
Release phobias & trauma, even physical pain, with the meridian therapies (eEFT, +EFT & eMo), ways of tapping into your energy system to move blockages & get your energy system flowing again. This is an approach worth trying on anything & everything that bothers you, or use it to attract positive things into your life.
Skype using alan.h.balfour & online sessions can be arranged by appointment.
I also offer a range of other therapies & tend to incorporate these with the positive EFT & eMo work as appropriate. Are you ready to release, clear, heal, balance, to become energised & empowered?
Experience the gentle touch of Reiki from a Reiki Master, or the more physical approaches of holistic healing massage to move you to a deeper place of being & relaxation, where balance awaits.
Enhance the process with guided imagery work, a way to connect with inner resources & strengthen your connection to the world.
With hypnosis you can be guided into deeply relaxed states where issues can be worked out & healing can occur. You are aware of your surroundings & in control but deeply relaxed. You may be encouraged to talk or just allow the suggestions & guidance to flow to your other-than- conscious mind.
Welcome!- Emotional healing – eMo
- Positive EFT
- Energy EFT
- healing - Reiki Master
- holistic massage
- guided imagery
- hypnosis/regression
1-2-1 Sessions
You can experience working 1-2-1 on your issues & experience the changes. A small group workshop is a good place to share & experience these techniques. In other workshops you can learn to perform some of these healing techniques on yourself, friends & relatives, or even clients. You will find that the benefits from these techniques grow, the more that you experience them, sometimes there will be leaps, other times the process is more gentle & subtle.
Experience a 1-2-1 session - Prices start at £25 for a 1 hour session
Skype Sessions
Positive EFT & eMo seem to work well by skype, clients experiencing the energy shifts. Please contact me to arrange a skype appointment at a session rate of £25 for up to 1 hour. Payment should be made to before the session.
Workshops and Groups
Development Group for Healing & Energy
This is a small evening group originally intended for people who have been attuned to any level of Reiki. Others with a strong interest in healing, energy work & guided imagery, are welcome after discussion with me. No attunements are given but healing techniques maybe demonstrated & practiced. The evening will include smudging, sharing, energy exercises, meditation/guided imagery, review of requested topics, energy work & Reiki/healing practice. The group energy is usually quite powerful & this is a very useful way to start experiencing it.
Alternate Monday evenings
7.30 – 9.30 pm
Investment £8
2014 DATES
October 6 & 20
November 3 & 17
December 1
Energy Workshops ½-day
This is an extended version of the evening group but includes a Reijui attunement which can be quite a powerful healing experience.
Sunday 1.00 – 5.00 pm
Investment £20
2015 DATES
March 8
April 5
Introduction to Emotional Transformation & Positive EFT
This is an opportunity to learn the basics of Positive EFT & install some positive qualities into your energy system. Using Emotional Transformation you can learn to connect with energies in the body & facilitate a better energy flow.
I can offer further workshops to develop your skills to practitioner level in Energy EFT, Positive EFT & Emotional Transformation, with AMT certification available. (Dates to be confirmed.)
Sunday 1.00 – 5.00 pm
Investment £20
2014/15 DATES
November 23
March 23 2015
1 Day Past Life Experience Workshop
You can join a 1 day workshop to experience past life work
Sunday (Date TBA)
10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Reiki Workshops
You can learn the gentle healing art of Reiki in a 2 day workshop, at level I. By the end of the course you can expect to have given & received a hands on session, as well as learnt how to give Reiki to yourself. The course includes talks, meditations & practical hands on work, as well as an attunement. The attunement clears your energy & strengthens your connection to Reiki, in a meditation like process.
You might have a deeply profound experience, or just a period of peaceful meditation but it will probably make your hands tingle! You are asked to submit 4 brief case studies to receive your certificate of achievement. You will be able to give yourself Reiki, as well as use it on friends & relatives. It is likely to change you! The course takes 2 days & costs £110, including follow up support & issuing the certificate.
You can take Reiki to the II level & learn how to treat from a distance, using the symbols that you are attuned to. You will experience working with 3 symbols which you will be attuned to. The workshop has a similar format, you may experience a gentler & more powerful energy. The course costs £190 for 2 days, including the case studies (more than level I!), certificate & follow up support.
Reiki Development Workshops are open to anybody who has received a Reiki I attunement. You can come & brush up your skills, learn new techniques, receive a Reiju attunement & immerse yourself in the Reiki energy, giving & receiving a session. You are also invited to ask for specific topics or techniques to be reviewed. The investment is £20 for a 1/2 day, £40 for a full day.
Reiki level level I 2 days Saturday - Sunday (Dates to be confirmed.)
Reiki level II 2 days Saturday - Sunday (Dates to be confirmed.)
Reiki Development 1/2 day Sunday (Dates to be confirmed.)
Take A Way
Music for Relaxation
Several hundred CD titles are in stock, most are suitable for use in a therapy session or general relaxation. There is no catalogue available but we can offer some advice. The current stock is offered on a “buy one get one free” against the currently marked price, the cheaper one being free!
A Quiet Read
A small stock of books, DVDs & smudge sticks are available. I also have a small stock of CIR products which are worn as jewellery to enhance & balance your energy field.
I have been making orgonite for a year or so & pieces are occasionally available to buy, or can be commissioned. Orgonite is a mixture of metal filings (in-organic) & resin (organic), set in a suitable mould. Crystals, essential oils & other substances can be added to enhance the way orgonite works. As the resin sets it shrinks, squeezing the quartz crystals & they become electrically polarized (the piezoelectric effect). The orgonite appears to act as a positive energy generator, pulling in & focusing orgone. It is also said to convert negative orgone energy into positive orgone energy.
Orgone is the name given by Wilhelm Reich to the vital energy found everywhere in nature. It is also called reiki, chi, prana, ether, elan, elan vital, the fifth element or the vital life force energy. It can exist in several forms neutral (OR), positive (POR) or negative (DOR = Deadly Orgone energy). In the positive state it enhances life & energy flow. In the negative state the flow is blocked, life stagnates.
The intention of the Heart shape, I used for my earliest pieces, is to resonate with this life enhancing energy.
The many negative sources around us, such as microwave & phone towers, as well as electrical devices, can essentially be converted to positive energy transmitters by using orgonite.
Benefits of orgonite include positive emotional effects, moods & emotions tend to elevate, people become friendlier. Sleep tends to be better & more sound, with orgonite around. Plants may grow with more vitality, food keeps longer, electricity meters may run slower! Orgonite tends to enhance positive intention.
Check the internet, there are many positive reports, as well as a few that are less positive! There is a lot of information & my insights change the more I investigate. One site I found useful was, where you can download a free ebook.
Paypal payments are always acceptable!
I hold many diplomas for course work in hypnosis, hypnotherapy, meridian therapies (including Positive EFT, Energy EFT, Emotional Transformation - eMo, TAT & ChiNosis), healing & Reiki (master since 1994); as well as the ITEC Diploma in anatomy, physiology & massage (1992) & the Advanced Practitioner Diploma in No Hands Massage (2003).
I am a trainer of Meridian & Energy Therapies (2012) with The AMT. I have attended various workshops around the world & presented in the USA, South Africa & Eire.
I also hold an honours degree - BTech Applied Biology University of Bradford (1969); a masters degree - MTech Applied Immunology Brunel University (1973); a doctorate in Immunology from the Department of Medicine, University of Liverpool (1976): & membership of the Society of Biology (MSB, CBiol).
Service Categories
EFT, Energy Healing, Holistic Massage, Hypnotherapist, Reiki, Spiritual Healing