Spiritual Healing has been practised for hundreds, even thousands of years in many communities and countries.
I am offering you the benefit of over 50 years experience healing pets and people. I am a fully qualified and insured healer who reaps much satisfaction from seeing my patients improve. Clinic or home visits can be arranged. Pain relief and healing could be just an email away! Please view my Website.
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In some cultures, the practice of intercession for healing with mankind’s Spiritual Source has been and sometimes still is, the prerogative of selected persons; King, priest, rabbi, monk, elder, prophet, witch doctor and so on, who areacknowledged to have had a gift for healing. In Britain during the reign of the Stuarts and Tudors, the “royal touch”was very popular. After prayer the King would touch the sufferer with his hand and then give him a coin. The practice of “royal healing” reached it’s peak at the end of the 17th. century when Charles 11 was giving the royal touch toaround five thousand sufferers a year. It is now recognised that this gift is more widespread than previously understood; throughout the world many ordinary people are dedicated to helping others using Spiritual Healing, through prayer, distant healing or by the “laying on of hands”, as an active part of their philosophy of life and religious practice, whatever that may be.
Spiritual Healing is distinguished from other therapies and practices by being non- invasive; no medicines or drugsare given; no major inroad into the body or mind is made; no treatment is applied to the body by the practitioner of healing. It seeks the wholeness of the patient by the power of creative love, bringing spirit, mind and body into harmonyand releasing more fully the in built curative powers of the body so they become active. It recognises the source of healing to be universal [light] energies, working in and through those spiritual gifts.Healing is complementary to orthodox medicine. We would always aim to work in cooperation with the medicalprofession remembering that if a patient is referred by a doctor to a healer, the doctor retains overall responsibilityfor that patient. At present, healing is being accepted by the BMA and patients have a right to request SpiritualHealing. It is the duty of each and every healer to maintain the dignity and professionalism of their calling and ensurethat they work towards the total acceptance of Healing. As healing is being more widely accepted, so more doctorswill hopefully refer patients to healers and this can only be seen as an enlightened movement forward
My clinic is situated at Morecambe Bay, Lancashire, UK. Home visits can be arranged but I have to ask for a donationto meet travelling expenses if the distance is excessive. I welcome any enquiries which should in the first instance be emailed to me at healingpetspeople@hotmail.co.uk
SUGGESTED DONATIONS. Distant Healing Card £8-00 Inc. p&p. Clinic Healing, £10-00. Home Visits £15-00. Concessions for OAP / Unemployed. ................. Clinic Healing £ 7-00 Home Visits £10-00Home Visits may be liable for an extra charge to cover excessive mileage. I must stress, I will never refuse a Healing due to an inability to make a donation
So if you are suffering ill health in any way shape or form, why not drop me an email and let’s discuss it.
HEALING COULD BE JUST AN EMAIL AWAY! Looking forward to hearing from you soon, Graham.
Call us on today to find out more or reach us through the 'Make an Enquiry' form.
Service Categories
Animal Therapy, Spiritual Healing