"For your free 30 minute assessment consultation phone; Help Line 01352 579962, Serving the areas Mold, Chester & Wrexham".
Welcome to Hypnotherapy Centre MoldHYPNOSIS FOR A HEALTHY MIND
Would you like to be free from depression, anxiety, phobia, panic attacks and many more problems of the mind?
By combining Psychotherapy with Hypnosis we can achieve rapid results in five to eight one hour sessions, depending on the severity of the symptoms. There is no need to suffer.
Successful Therapies for - depression,
- phobias,
- alcohol abuse,
- psoriasis,
- stress,
- eating disorders,
- anxiety,
- insomnia,
- eczema,
- nightmares
- bereavement,
- panic attacks,
- MS & ME,
- sexual problems
- self-doubt,
- emotional traumas,
- enuresis.
Mental Health Problems
If you suffer with depression, anxiety or any of the above, then you need Hypno-Analysis. This combines psychotherapy with hypnosis (please refer to therapies page).
If you want to Change a Habit
Such as; Stopping Smoking, Exam Nerves, Nail Biting, Weight Loss, Confidence, Sports enhancement, Relaxation etc; Then you need Hypnotherapy.
With no cravings, irritability, mood swings and weight gain, no matter how many you smoke.
A free 30 minute consultation to discuss your particular problem and needs and the therapies I use. You are not under any obligation to proceed with therapy after that. (not required for Stopping Smoking)
Service Categories
Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapy, Weight Loss