‘It was the best thing I ever did, coming to see you. It changed my life.’
I have lost count of the number of people who have said this to me over the years I have been in practice as a therapist.
Enid has been running a very busy and successful Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Counselling practice in Reading and Henley for over 20 years. She has a reputation as someone who delivers a consistently high rate of success in helping people solve their problems. She gets regular referrals from local doctors who and are familiar with her work and success over a period of many years.
They know by seeing Enid people will feel better, quicker.
Rapid change via a clear, practical, and above all, down to earth approach.
No gimmicks, no ‘therapy-speak’ - just goal-focused solutions to problems.
What is Hypnotherapy? A state of gentle relaxation in which you are aware and in control at all times.
How does it work? Hypnosis relaxation allows for more direct communication with the subconscious mind. It therefore makes it easier to resolve the root cause of a problem. The mind is then more receptive to positive suggestions for change.
But can you help me with my problem?
Listed below are some of the many problems which I personally have helped people with using hypnotherapy:
- Abuse
- Addictions
- Agoraphobia
- Alcoholism
- Allergies
- Amnesia
- Anger Management
- Anxiety
- Anorexia
- Asthma
- Bed wetting
- Blushing
- Bulimia
- Childbirth
- Claustrophobia
- Compulsions
- Concentration
- Confidence
- Depression
- Driving Test Nerves
- Eating Disorders
| - Eczema
- Exam nerves
- Fears
- Frigidity
- Frustration
- Grief
- Guilt
- Habits
- Headaches
- Inferiority feelings
- Insomnia
- Jaw Grinding
- Lightheadedness
- Memory
- Migraine
- Motivation
- Nailbiting
- Nausea
- Nightmares
| Pain Panic attacks Phobias Post Natal Depression Public speaking Relationships Self-consciousness Sexual abuse Shyness Smoking Sports Performance Stage Fright Stammering Stress Tension Trauma Tremor Twitching Weight loss Vaginismus |
FREE Initial Cnsultation
PRINT THIS PAGE and bring it along for a FREE Initial Consultation.
Phone 01491-874224 for availability and further information.
‘I wish I had met you 20 years ago………………..’ Enid hears this time and time again.
What are you waiting for?
- Fellow of the Institute of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy
- Member of the Corporation of Advanced Hypnotherapy
- Licentiate of the Association for Stress Management
- Register of Approved Gastrointestinal Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists.
- I have lectured in Hypnotherapy at the University of Reading, and the Berkshire College of Nursing and Midwifery. My work has been featured on a programme for the BBC.
Service Categories
Counselling, Hypnotherapist, NLP, Psychotherapy, Weight Loss