Reiki, EFT, Crystal healing, Flower Essences
Welcome to Isis Crystal Healing
Lotus symbol
The Lotus Flower is an ancient symbol of success, beauty, rebirth and spiritual awakening. Its roots grow in muddy water and the beautiful flower rises above the surface to bloom. At night the flower closes and sinks underwater, only to rise and open again at dawn.
This pattern of growth symbolises the journey of the soul from the mud of materialism, through the waters of experience into the bright sunshine of enlightenment. It is a reminder that we too can rise through darkness to find our way to beauty and light.
Jill has been working as a healer for over 15 years. She is an Usui / Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Teacher and Practitioner, Crystal Healer and Flower Essence Practitioner. She initially trained with the Kent Healers and the NFSH (National Federation of Spiritual Healers)
Her aim is to empower clients with effective healing tools that they can use to bring themselves into a state of peace and balance. She understands from her own experience of coming into this field through serious illness that we are all here to develop and grow spiritually, and to do that effectively we may need to release limiting beliefs that can hold us back. She has found EFT to be the most effective method of achieving this.
Jill recognises that each healing modality works on a slightly different energetic level and will often use a combination of therapies if guided to do so.
She is a former nurse with four adult children who has been living in Edenbridge for the last 11 years.
Jill works from the Ingledale Natural Health Centre, 1 Tanhouse Road, Oxted, Surrey RH8 9PE
(please telephone 01883 717277) and also from her home in Edenbridge, Kent.
She charges £35 hourly for all therapies when practicing from Edenbridge
Jill also attunes others to Reiki (please enquire for forthcoming dates). For these attunements she charges the following: Reiki 1: £100, Reiki 2: £150, Reiki 3: £200, Reiki Master Teacher: £200
Service Categories
Crystal Therapy, EFT, Energy Healing, Flower Essences, Reiki, Spiritual Healing