Back pain does not need to be a pain in the back.
After fifteen years in practice, and successfully treating thousands of people just like you, Jean Luc has developed and honed his skills in order to offer you a multidiscipline approach to giving you the solution you want , which is to be free of pain.
Through the use of a gentle and affective treatment method called KST Chiropractic, which requires not sudden clicking of joints, his aim is to give you the tools you require to stay free of future back pain. Many people think that Chiropractors are limited to treating the spine, however we also treat the neck, head, shoulder and extremities as all of these are affected by the dysfunction of the nervous system. This means we address symptoms such as Headaches, Sciatica, Frozen shoulder, hip and leg pain, and many other symptoms.
SERVICES Welcome to Jean Luc Lafitte Chiropractic Centre. Please Quote Natural Therapy Pages when you call.
Chiropractic treatment is the treatment of the vertebrae (bones) in the spine. Chiropractors believe if the vertebrae are miss-aligned, then this can lead to disease and dysfunction in the body.
Chiropractic means ‘practice with the hands’ and comes from the Greek words Cheir meaning hand, and Prakitos meaning done by.
Chiropractors manipulate vertebrae in the back, and its joints, which can lead to other complaints.
Chiropractic is part of the modern branch of complementary medicine which specialises in the mechanical disorders of the joints, particularly the spine, and thus the nervous system that is affected if the spine is misaligned.
Chiropractors train for four years according to the legal requirements of the country. The objective of the treatment is to improve the mobility of the spine, and relax the surrounding muscles. Chiropractors are recognised by the letters D.C doctor of chiropractic. All Chiropractors in the U.K are regulated by law, and have to be members of the G.C.C to practice.
Conditions that you may seek to consult a Chiropractor about are:
- Sciatica (a pain which typically runs down the back of the leg)
- Migraine
- Headaches
- Back ache (usually affecting the lower back more than the upper)
- Check ups for your family as they grow
- Post and pre pregnancy
- Pubic pain after giving birth
- Restricted rotation of the spine and neck
BUPA and PPP Aviva registered. Also based at Gatwick Park Hospital two eveings a week.
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