Fully registered, Qualified freelance Nutritionist
Welcome to keshet
We all have the ability to make healthy changes to our lives, on our own as well as with the support of others. No matter how you perceive life, good well being and a positive mind enables a happy and fulfilled lifestyle.
As a Nutritional Therapist I help people in all aspects of well being, fitness and health issues.
My name is Sam Murphy, I am 38 years old and I am fully qualified, registered Nutritional Therapist.
I initailly decided to study Nutrition for my own self, I wanted to be able to understand the benefits of good health, I wanted to look and feel younger, eat natural foods to help me live longer so that I could live life to the full.
I now help clients in all aspects of healthy living whether it be wanting to lose weight, natural cures and prevention or alternative therapies with on going health issues.
What ever the health problem, big or small, I can help you.
"The biggest achievement for me is helping others that want to help themselves become who they want to be in life".
Health and You
We all have encountered health issues.
Health issues effect us all in different ways, an on going health problem no matter how small, not only has a negative impact on the body but also the mind.
Natural nutrition helps the body and promotes good wellbeing. The key to good health is what I call G.N.F : Good, Natural, Foods. We all have been told, an apple a day keeps the doctor a way. The apple is only one of a range of natural foods that are good for the us. The western world is now so fast tracked that people have busier livestyles and turn to processed foods as they are more practical to eat "on the go".
The danger of this trend is that we are not putting enough thought and time into the one thing that keeps us going, our bodies.
More diseases and illnesses are occuring linked with poor nutrition.
None of us wants to eat rabbit food all the time, and no one needs to, a varied well balanced diet including an occastional treat benefits your body and mind more than an apple alone will ever do!
Additional Supplements.
Many people with poor health benefit from introducing supplements into their diets.
Certain Supplements in todays market can help and in some cases cure the health problem. Most supplements are safe to take with prescribed medication although it is always best to check with a Doctor first.
Whether its arthritus, a skin complaint, anti age or something more, there is a supplement that WILL benefit in the health treatment.
All supplements I recommend to my clients are natural and will not counteract with prescribed drugs.
Please book for an hour home consultation visit.
Food Cures, Preventions linked with diseases.
Healing foods are readily available around us each day.
Diseases affects every part of our lifes differently, like Parkinsons and alzheimers, they can dramacially reduce the way we live.
Food science is very much like maths, and with disease, the remedies have to be accurate, for many with severe on going health issues their only hope is with the use of conventional medicines to try to control the symptoms. With a trial of natural supplements and mixing certain foods togeather it is now possible to reduce, stabilize and even cure disease. I offer a full on going 6 month food programme for people with severe health issues that want to change their life for the better.
The programmes are all different, depending on the illness and will not counteract with prescibed medicine.
My programmes have a 6 month guarantee and if there are no positive changes, payment is fully refunded. You really haven't got anything to lose.
For people serious about changing their life, these programmes are especially made for you.
Qualified, Registered Nutritionist with the B.S.Y College.
Service Categories
Dietitian, Life Coaching, Men's Health, Natural Fertility Management, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Women's Health