Discover how effective your subconscious mind can be in helping you break free from your old smoking and poor eating habits.
I am Professional and Results driven, so if you have the determination to change I will work tirelessly with you to help you find the inner resources you need to safely break free from your old habits and discover what it finally feels like, to be happier, healthier and back in control of your life.
Welcome to The Kingston Stop Smoking Centre
As a fully qualified hypnotherapist , I founded the Kingston Stop Smoking Centre to help people like you, who have struggled to stop smoking or lose weight .
The Kingston Stop Smoking Centre has two offices: one in Esher, Surrey and the other in Chesham Bucks.
Stop Smoking Discover how powerful your unconscious mind can be in helping you stop smoking, save money, and get your health back, once you find the desire to quit smoking.
Many people who have struggled in the past to stop smoking have finally succeeded by utilising the power of their minds to break the smoking addiction.
Now you can too!
There are many reasons why smokers like you want to stop smoking- Maybe your GP or Hospital have told you that the treatment they are offering you will only be effective when you stop smoking.
- You may possibly be someone, who has noticed the effects smoking is having on your body, like the lack of energy, wheezing, coughing and phlegm in the morning, the aging effects on your skin and gums, or the ugly yellow stains on your teeth, finger and fingernails
- Maybe you are a smoker who fears the increased risk of getting cancer, emphysema, heart disease and other smoking related diseases.
- Maybe you are planning to have a baby and either you don’t want to be a smoking Mum or you just don’t want to risk the health of your baby by smoking during pregnancy.
- You may possibly worry at not being around to see your kids grow up, get married and have kids of their own.
- Perhaps you are just fed up of it and you just don’t get anything out of it anymore, so you just want to stop.
- Maybe you are just fed up with all the restrictions on where you can smoke, that you feel stupid hanging outside in the freezing cold and rain just to smoke.
- Finally you may feel fed up of being controlled by cigarettes e.g. like having to plan ahead where and when you can smoke, or avoiding places that restrict your smoking habit
Even though you may have many reasons to quit smoking, you probably have encountered many difficulties when trying to stop.
- Perhaps you have stopped for a while but:
- In a moment of weakness, you always thought “It’s only one, one won’t hurt” and found yourself back smoking again.
- Perhaps you have managed to reduce your smoking habit but:
- You found the last 5 or so cigarettes, just too difficult to eliminate completely
- Perhaps you are now an ex-smoker but:
- You are still constantly missing cigarettes
- Perhaps you find it hard just thinking about stopping smoking because you have FEARS:
- Fear that you’ll have to give up your crutch or pleasure
- Fear that you won’t be able to enjoy life or handle stress.
- Fear that you’ll have to go through an awful trauma to get free.
- Fear that you will miss your “friend”.
- Fear that you will never get completely free of the craving
- Fear that you will put on weight.
- Fear that because nothing has worked before (e.g. patches or Champix) that nothing else will.
So what do you do now?
Whatever your reasons for wanting to stop smoking, whatever the reasons you have for being unable to quit and remain a non-smoker, I have seen and heard it all before.
So let me help you find a way to succeed
In order to help you make the right decision for you, I only charge for the 1st session and if you ever relapse back into smoking, I will see you for FREE as often as needed.
You will know you have become a non-smoker when:
- You just don’t miss or have any desire for cigarettes anymore.
- You pop into a store, newsagent or petrol station and walk back out without ever thinking about cigarettes.
- Your friends offer you a cigarette and you refuse it because you actually don’t feel like you want one at all.
- You don’t feel deprived of a cigarette.
- The voice inside your head, pushing you to just have one, has gone quiet.
- You don’t look for a cigarette when you get stressed or anxious
- You feel Healthier, Fitter, Cleaner and Free from the FEAR of smoking related diseases
- You feel that cigarettes are not in control of your life anymore.
Can you imagine how wonderful it would feel, if the statements above applied to you. See what other people have said.
To help make it easier for you to make a decision on something that is really important to you, I have listed 4 reasons why the time to act is now!
- I am a qualified hypnotherapist , and a member of the General Hypnotherapy Register (Registration No: 2000) , the largest professional registering organisation of practising hypnotherapists in the UK and CNHC accredited.
- When in hypnosis you should find it a relaxing, comfortable experience, where you will be able to hear me, and still be consciously aware and in control.
- I charge you for the 1st session only. After that if we find that you need more sessions to help you, you will be able to see me as many times as necessary for no extra charge. So you will know that it will be in my interest to help you quit smoking as quickly as possible and preferably in one session, because otherwise, it will be costing me time and money.
- If after stopping smoking, you relapse back into smoking and you really have the desire to stop, I will help you for FREE to find the resources again to achieve your goal, irrespective of whether it’s been 2 years after you have first seen me or ten years. So you will know that it will be in my interest to help you quit smoking permanently, because otherwise I would end up with a stream of clients coming back to me in the future, costing me more time and money.
Book an appointment NOW on 0808 156 4834
and look forward to a new healthier and happier you.
Weight Loss
Discover how powerful your unconscious mind can be in helping you lose weight, stay slim, and get your health back, once you find the desire to shed the excess weight.
Many people who have struggled in the past to lose weight and keep it off, have finally succeeded by utilising the power of their minds to break their poor relationship with food and negative associations with exercise.
Now you can too!
There are many reasons people have to lose weight
- Maybe you are under treatment from your GP or Hospital and they have told you that you won’t be given a treatment that you need, until you get rid of your excess pounds
- Maybe you are just fed up with feeling lazy and having poor self esteem
- Maybe you wish you could feel attractive wearing beautiful fashionable clothes from high street shops, instead of having to buy bland clothes from outsize stores.
- Maybe you are beginning to worry about your health and fear the increased risk of getting diabetes, cancer or heart disease, or perhaps someone close to you has been affected by one of these diseases.
- Maybe you are fed up of feeling hot, uncomfortable, tired and unfit all the time.
- Or perhaps you just want to be slim so that you can feel attractive at an event such as a wedding, or a holiday
- Or perhaps you have always dreamed of doing an activity like flying, parachuting or any other activity that have weight or size restrictions.
Even though you may have many reasons to get rid of your excess weight, you probably have encountered many of the following issues
- Perhaps you are one of those people who have succeeded in getting down to your ideal weight but once you achieved your goal, you were unable to maintain it and ended up heavier than when you started
- Maybe you have struggled and succeeded in reducing your weight but have never managed to get down to your ideal weight.
- Maybe you have noticed that your weight has been steadily increasing over the last few years and you have been unable to pinpoint the reason
- Perhaps you have found that diets have just not worked for you.
- Or perhaps you have a weakness for “unhealthy” foods and you find “healthy” foods boring.
- Or you just can’t see yourself giving up certain foods or drinks.
- Maybe you just can’t get yourself motivated to do any form of exercise and you feel it’s just not for you.
Whatever your reasons are for wanting to lose weight and whatever your reasons are for being unable to reach and maintain your ideal weight, I have seen and heard it all before. So let me help you find a way to succeed.
In order to help you make the right decision for you, I only charge for the 1st session and if you ever find your resolve weakening, I will see you for FREE as often as needed.
You will know that slimming and diets are a thing of the past when:
- You don’t crave fatty or sweet foods or treats.
- You don’t use food or drink as an emotional crutch
- You just don’t feel tempted to overeat or over-indulge on holidays, at parties or in the office
- You love eating fresh nutritious healthy foods
- You find the time to prepare your meals
- You feel confident and able to throw away all your oversize clothes as your weight comes off.
- You look forward to exercising regularly, whether it is in the gym, at home or elsewhere
- You start to focus on all the other things that are important to you, because you feel positive and in control of your weight.
- You look towards the future with excitement about how attractive you look and feel.
Can you imagine how wonderful it would feel, if the statements above applied to you.
To help make it easier for you to make a decision on something that is really important to you, I have listed 4 reasons why the time to act is now!
- I am a qualified hypnotherapist , and a member of the General Hypnotherapy Register (Registration No: 2000) , the largest professional registering organisation of practising hypnotherapists in the UK and CNHC accredited.
- When in hypnosis you should find it a relaxing, comfortable experience, where you will be able to hear me, and still be consciously aware and in control.
- I charge you for the 1st session only. After that if we find that you need more sessions to help you, you will be able to see me as many times as necessary for no extra charge. So you will know that it will be in my interest to help you quit smoking as quickly as possible and preferably in one session, because otherwise, it will be costing me time and money.
- If after stopping smoking, you relapse back into smoking and you really have the desire to stop, I will help you for FREE to find the resources again to achieve your goal, irrespective of whether it’s been 2 years after you have first seen me or ten years. So you will know that it will be in my interest to help you quit smoking permanently, because otherwise I would end up with a stream of clients coming back to me in the future, costing me more time and money.
Book an appointment NOW on 0808 156 4834
and look forward to a new healthier and happier you.
Other Issues
We also welcome enquiries for help with:
- Depression
- Psoriasis
- Binge Drinking and excessive Drinking
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Panic Attacks
- Self Esteem
- Phobias
- Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
- Confidence and Public Speaking
- Nail Biting
- Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)
- Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania)
Please call for a FREE 1/2 hour telephone Consultation.
Session Details
Each Session lasts 2 hours and comprises of two main sections lasting just under an hour each
The first section comprises of the following:
- A discussion/interview of what you want changed
- An explanation of what to expect when hypnotised
- An explanation on how to respond to hypnotic suggestions
- The process that I will take you through during hypnosis
- Answer any questions you may have.
The second section comprises of the following:
- Hypnotic Induction
- Proof that you are Hypnotised
- Change work in Hypnosis
- Hypnotic Exduction
Methods of Payment: Cash, Cheques, Credit/Debit Cards
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Is hypnosis safe?
Hypnosis is completely safe. You are aware and in control at every moment and can terminate the session at any time. You cannot be made to do something against your will, it does not affect your personality nor how you consciously think. Hypnosis is a safe, relaxing and enjoyable experience.
Will Hypnosis Work For Me?
Every normal person is hypnotisable. However, people who have severe learning difficulties (i.e. IQ less than 70), mental disorders, are medicated with anti-psychotic drugs or are under the influence of mind altering drugs will be unable to be hypnotised.
Can you get stuck in hypnosis?
It is impossible to get stuck in hypnosis. It is a bit like saying “I went into a day dream and got stuck there”. It is a very comfortable relaxing state and at any time, you can terminate the session.
How does hypnosis work?
Our minds work on two levels – the conscious and the subconscious. We all make decisions, think and act with our conscious mind. The subconscious mind controls our habits and our emotions. In the state of hypnosis, we can communicate directly with the subconscious mind. That is why changing habits of lifetime can be easier in hypnosis.
I’ve tried hypnosis and it didn’t work. So why should it work this time?
Providing you fall within the stipulations described under the heading “Will hypnosis work for me?” then I can help you. Three things affect the effectiveness of a hypnotherapy session – the experience, knowledge and individual skill of the hypnotherapist. If would like a FREE (no obligation) 1 hour session to confirm to yourself that you can be hypnotised, please ring me on 0808156 4834 to arrange an appointment
How will I know if I have been hypnotised?
Most people cannot tell the difference between the hypnotised and the waking states. Some people feel relaxed or lethargic and others feel lightness or heaviness. However, I always prove to my clients they are hypnotised, so you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you are hypnotised.
Will I put on weight?
People, who stop smoking using NRT or willpower, sometimes, put on weight because they try to suppress the cigarette cravings by picking on food. When I work with you I ensure that we make all the changes necessary to help you keep your weight stable.
Will I remember what has happened?
Most people will remember everything that happened during the therapy session, as it is a state of heightened not reduced awareness.
Can I move during hypnosis?
If you feel like scratching your nose, or adjusting yourself on the couch, you will be able to do so easily and naturally, just as if you were relaxing in your own favourite chair at home.
Can I speak during hypnosis?
If you feel the need to speak or are asked any questions, you will be able to speak normally. Hypnosis is a relaxing state and you can do whatever you would normally be able to do in a waking state.
Can I be influenced to do something against my will?
As you are always aware of everything that is going on, you cannot be influenced to do something you don’t want to do. People, who volunteer to go on a stage hypnosis show, do so because they are “up for it” and like making a spectacle of themselves – They are not being made to do what they don’t want to do.
“For me the session was truly very helpful indeed. It has been a week since the session and I’m still off the cigs. I would certainly recommend your help to any smoker that is serious about stopping smoking.”
Mr B. M. Tolworth, Surrey.
“Since stopping smoking 25-30 cigs a day my breathing has improved as has my sense of smell and I have an overall feeling of well being.”
Mr C. R. Walton-on-Thames, Surrey.
“I am impressed with hypnotherapy! As a non-smoker, I feel good for not smoking and strong while saying NO to offered cigarettes. I have no cravings whatsoever and since my session, I wasn’t thinking of cigarettes even once! You definitely helped me, Thank you.”
Mrs E. P. Ham, Surrey.
“Having smoked for 28 years I was amazed at becoming a non-smoker after just one hour and delighted with the rise in my energy levels and feeling of well being.”
Mrs S. H. Woking, Surrey.
“I was surprised how quickly and deeply relaxed I became. The visualisations have really helped me – I’m looking forward to being a healthier, happier person. Thanks for making it easy for me.”
Mrs K. E. Esher, Surrey.
“I wish to let you know that I am extremely pleased with the results of your treatment. I saw you on 16th May, and after smoking quite heavily for many years stopped immediately, and have not felt the urge to start again. Thank you very much indeed.”
Mr W C, Chessington, Surrey.
“Highly Delighted with the result. Never knew it could be so easy. Please send my friend a special Gift Pack.”
Miss B. P., West Molesey, Surrey.
“A new experience, which hopefully will work. A great hour and a half though very relaxing.”
Mr S. D., Kingston upon Thames, Surrey.
“The hypnotherapy session was a surreal experience, and I was not sure if it was going to work at the beginning. As the session progressed however, my initial reservations passed. In the past 4 months since I gave up smoking I have achieved a life long ambition of competing in the London Triathlon and all in 10 weeks. I feel cleaner, healthier and wealthier. Thank You!!"
Mr M. B., Walton on Thames, Surrey.
“Good to have an hour talking about smoking/hypnotherapy before the session. Hypnotherapy was Great, has really worked. Been non-smoker for 2 weeks and is the most confident I have ever felt after giving up – I will be a non-smoker for the rest of my life!”
Mrs S. F., Kingston upon Thames, Surrey.
“It is very difficult to explain, but when I left your office I didn’t notice any difference in myself, however I have had no desire whatsoever for a cigarette. It’s really strange….I talked with my friend who also saw you and we both couldn’t fathom out why the desire to smoke just went…. no withdrawal symptoms…. nothing. It has been very helpful… very good.”
Mr S. B., Ashford, Middlesex.
Service Categories
Hypnotherapist, Weight Loss