Lorraine has walked a spiritual path for over 14 years, starting in 1993, when she was first attuned to Usui Reiki.
Welcome to Light Within
Lorraine has walked a spiritual path for over 14 years, starting in 1993, when she was first attuned to Usui Reiki. Although she didn’t know it, that action was to start the ball rolling on a wave of change which continues today. In the same year. she was given the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson.
The Reiki opened the door towards self healing and the cards the door towards self-awareness and growth. Nothing would ever be the same again.
Spiritual Path:
Along the way Lorraine has encountered and worked with shamanic teachings; animal totems, drumming, dance, voice and healing. She was taught mediumship (spirit communication, clairvoyance) by her reiki master and somewhere along the way her spirit friends thought it would be a good idea to develop her artistic skills toward spiritual art.
Lorraine’s spiritual art entails tuning into a sitters energies and providing a portrait of their spirit guide or a loved one in spirit - whoever wishes to be recognised and sketched at the time. Her drawings include personal messages, aura colours linked to the message and whatever else the sitters spirit friends wish to convey at the time. The drawings are a totally unknown area as Lorraine works with her spirit artists and never knows what or who she will get until the portrait is finished.
Lorraine’s journey with Reiki will continue, she says, until Reiki has mastered her, rather than the other way around! She views this learning process as lasting a lifetime and more. Master/teacher level was achieved in 2000 and she tends to find that her students find her as and when they most need that step up in personal awareness. Lorraine teaches Reiki from a spiritual point of view as her personal path with this wonderful gift of healing has always progressed her spiritual development supporting her in much needed healing along the way. In teaching Reiki, she has found that some students are not ready to teach although they are ready to move to the level of Master. In order to facilitate this, Lorraine offers Third Degree Reiki in two ways; Third Degree/Master and Master/Teacher If a student has taken Third Degree/Master and wishes to become a Teacher, then only the corresponding payment difference is requireth
Light Within’s Philosophy:
When the time came to start making a more public impact Lorraine thought long and hard about the right name for her public business. Lots of names were pondered, some came up after a nights dream and in the end she dowsed each one to see which was right for her. Light Within filled perfectly. Light Within speaks of the eternal spirit which is in each of us; the spirit which never dies and continues learning, growing and teaching. We all have this beautiful spiritual light within and it is that spirit which Lorraine hopes, through art, teaching, guidance and healing, to help others realise and rejoice in.
Service Categories
Reiki, Spiritual Healing