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L Burke M.C.S.P, SRP, Lic.Ac

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Meta-Physical Holistic Wellness...your choice for expertise in Integrative Medicine, Personal Empowerment and Natural Healing

Contact NameLinda Burke Holistic Wellness
Enniskillen BT94 5GT
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Functional medicine is a form of alternative medicine which proponents say focuses on interactions between the environment and the gastrointestinal, endocrine, and immune systems, but opponents have described it as "pseudoscientific silliness" and quackery. Practitioners develop individual treatment plans for people they treat.Functional medicine encompasses a number of unproven and disproven methods and treatments.E

The discipline of functional medicine is vaguely defined by its proponents. Oncologist David Gorski has written that the vagueness is a deliberate tactic which facilitates the discipline's promotion, but that in general it centers on unnecessary and expensive testing procedures performed in the name of "holistic" health care.

Proponents of functional medicine oppose established medical knowledge and reject its models, instead adopting a model of disease based on the notion of "antecedents", "triggers", and "mediators". These are meant to correspond to the underlying causes, the immediate causes, and the particular characteristics of a person's illness respectively. A functional medicine practitioner will devise a "matrix" from these things which acts as a basis for treatment.[8]


Why do we get sick?

A Functional Medicine and energy approach to total reversal of chronic disease.
Science has proven that every molecule and cell in our body is replaced with a new one every year…so why do we age and get ill?

The New Paradigm of healing revolves around this truth…no matter what the doctor has labelled your symptoms, no matter whether Modern Medicine knows the cause or not, and even if your doctor tells you it is not curable and your symptoms have to be managed with toxic medication…the truth is…Because our body has created the disease in response to a trigger, removing the trigger enables the body to REVERSE ANY AND ALL DISEASE

If your body was not born with these symptoms, then obviously they have developed because something has changed in your body. This change has led to a series of imbalances within your system leading to your symptoms. All we have to do is determine what has changed, what is blocking your innate healing ability, and triggered a disease response. Once this is removed we can reboot our system and it will reverse disease and heal…simple!!

The sciences of Epi Genetics and New Biology have now demonstrated something amazing…our genetic code is NOT set at birth, as was previously thought. It actually changes throughout our lives. This means that even if you were born with a predisposition to an inherited family illness, you don’t necessarily have to have that gene switched on (expressed) and suffer that disease. It also means that genes for disease which were previously dormant can become expressed, leading to the onset of diseases later in life. We have disease causing genes, which if triggered will create dysfunction in our body. However they are outnumbered by our resilience genes which keep us well.

Genes are like switches which are controlled by our DNA in every cell. The DNA, it is now realised, tunes in to and reacts to the environment in which we live our lives. The environment is the epi genetic context inside which disease will either develop, or be healed.

What is it that creates our epi genetic context? What determines whether that context is health promoting or disease promoting?

Dis-ease results in Malfunctioning cells
What causes cells to malfunction? 4 things
1. Stress…excess energy in specific areas to the detriment of other areas
2. Deficiency…lack of energy
3. Impedance…blockage of energy
4. Faulty instructions…incoherent information held in our bio field which is detrimental to our wellbeing

The most important question then is…what causes stress, deficiency, impedance and faulty instructions?
There are Seven Pathways, seven roads, which together compose the epi genetic context which has led to the presenting symptoms or disease. Where you are and what direction you move on each pathway will determine the state of your cells, and therefore your health.

The Seven Epi Genetic Pathways are:
• Nutrition: Food, O2, Water and Sunlight. Chronic deficiency or imbalance in even one of these can lead to disease.
• Toxins: toxins from our food, products and environment interfere with cell chemistry. Some toxins create stress, some deficiency and some create impedance. It is essential to determine which toxins are present in your system, and then undertake the specific gentle detox protocol designed and tailored for your needs.
• Mental: thoughts are beliefs and habitual patterns of activity from our conscious and unconscious mind affects every cell in our body…instantly. The memory of the interpretation of significant emotional events in our past determines the outcome. 95% of the thoughts we have today are the same thoughts as we had yesterday, and will have tomorrow…its simply a tape playing. If the thoughts are negative they induce stress.
• Emotional: The interpretation of thoughts creates emotions…Felt in the body. Candis Pertt Every emotional state carries with it a corresponding energy pattern and chemical molecule (neuropeptide). Positive emotions promote health while negative emotions destroy health.
• Spiritual awareness and connectedness: Lack of connectedness, belonging and purpose leads to a feeling of disempowerment. Each disease carries a specific spiritual message to help us grow and evolve.
• Environment. Energy contains information…both energy of our family dynamics, relationships, social groups and the electromagnetic and other rogue frequencies lurking in physical space in which we spend our life. The information then instructs our cells through our DNA Negative energies create stress, and EMF creates impedance.
• Physical: Our body is a physical expression of and interpretation of our epi genetic context. How we use and hold our body will impact on its function, and the function will impact on the physical ability to function.
These seven pathways form the epigenetic matrix or hologram which determines our health and well-being…and they can be hacked. It is now known that what used to be considered to be redundant “junk” DNA is actually the Meta Code for our gene expression. This Meta Code is influenced by each of the seven pathways.
Taking all this information into consideration, I have designed a unique root cause diagnostic tool which is called the Meta-Health Screen. This technique utilizes Autonomic Response Testing (as Clinical Kinesiology) combined with Functional medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, plus Meta-Medicine to determine the root causes and assess certain areas of each patient. The screen will also detect pre pathological imbalances in the bio field thus there is an opportunity to prevent the onset of disease by addressing these imbalances before they become physical.

The Meta-Health screen will reveal exactly where in your system the imbalances are, and what they have been caused by…which of the seven pathways we need to address. Experience demonstrates clearly that once addressed, the patient is enabled to return to optimal vibrant health with ease, the natural way.
The Meta-Sync Process. The Meta-Sync Process is unique in that it addresses any and all the areas of imbalance demonstrated during the diagnostic process. Treatment will be tailored to each individual depending on their unique set of imbalances.

What’s Involved During Your Consultation

Step 1. Medical History and Timeline Presenting Symptoms Personal Timeline Past Medical And Surgical History Current and Past Medications Known Allergies Food and Supplement History
Step 2. Targeted Systems Review Bowel Patterns Energy Patterns Sleep Patterns Menstruation Sexual Function Psychological Function and Mood Immune Function Skin Condition CardioRespiratory Function MusculoSkeletal Function
Step 3. Meta-Health Screening Toxicity Assessment Organ Balance Assessment Inflammatory Marker Assessment Hormonal Assessment Gastrointestinal Assessment Nutritional Imbalances Metabolic Immunology Endocrine Genetic Emotional/psychological
Step 4. Interpretation of Results In-depth consultation explaining your results
Step 5. Creation of Personalized Treatment Plan
Step 6. Prescription of Treatment
Step 7,6 weeks ongoing support in the form of health coaching
Step 8. Follow-Up In person or skype 30 minute consultation follow-up

About - Linda Burke

Hi, my name is Linda...Welcome to my Website. I hope you find it informative, helpful and most of all, inspiring. I’m giving you a little introduction just to let you know who I am, and what I stand for.

I have been working in the field of health and wellbeing for over 25 years. It has been my all-consuming passion to facilitate personal empowerment, and help transform physical and emotional dis-ease and pain into vibrant health, peace of mind, and joy de vivre.

In my never ending quest for mastery in order to help my clients, I have studied many different healing disciplines, philosophies and therapies, both orthodox and complimentary. Experience has proven to me that our health and wellbeing is directly affected by our emotions and our degree of spiritual connectedness, as well as our diet, exercise and environment. It is in your mind/body/spirit connection where your power to heal lies.

Like many of you, I have experienced some very difficult personal challenges in my life, which HAD left me feeling exhausted, depressed, stressed, lonely and completely powerless. However, I began to realize that the common denominator in all my misfortune was ME! and what I was unconsciously attracting to myself. For over 10 years I have embarked on a personal journey of self discovery and empowerment. I have been participating in many powerful personal development and spiritual programs. These include Fire Walking with Anthony Robbins, Landmark Forum, and other powerful Landmark Education programs, Delfin Knowledge System, Brian Tracy, Gregg Braden, Deepak Chopra, Dr Bruce Lipton, Erkurt Tolle, Shamanic Journeying, NLP and many many others. I have also read widely on these subjects, and my journey continues...

I have now taken responsibility for my own quality of life and wellness, my self actualization and awareness. I am now profoundly happy, fulfilled and flourishing! YOU CAN BE TOO!!

Taking the very best from all these fields, I have created the Positive Being Healed Programmes for those of you who take their quality of life and wellness seriously.

Linda Burke
MCSP, Lic Ac, Chartered Physiotherapist, Licenced Acupuncturist, Master NLP and Hypnotherapy practitioner, Integrative Medicine and Natural Healing Consultant


We offer you positive healing techniques, not only for your injuries, aches and pains; we also specialize in the more difficult, chronic and serious conditions modern medicine has no answer for.
  • The Meta-Sync Process
  • Healthy Detoxification
  • Chartered Physiotherapy
  • TCM Holistic Acupuncture
  • Functional Nutritional Therapy
  • Reiki/Energy Healing
  • Shamanic Healing
  • Aromatherapy
  • Light and Sound Therapy


NLP Coaching and powerful fast-change coaching techniques enable you to easily identify, effectively address and totally heal the underlying mental and emotional root causes of physical dis-ease or emotional problems... transformation and healing from the inside out.
  • Integrative Self-Healing Program
  • Hypno Gastric Band Weight Loss Program
  • NLP Relationship Coaching
  • NLP Breakthrough Coaching
  • Time Line Therapy
  • NLP Hypnotherapy
  • Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Re-imprinting
  • Transpersonal Coaching


Our workshops are designed to facilitate you in doing your inner work in an honouring and loving manner, and support you in doing your outer and motivating your transformational process.
  • Meta-Health Practitioner Training
  • Workshops


Confused and depressed
"I came to Linda in a state of total confusion, depressed and overwhelmed. I was in a loveless marriage but could not see a way out. One day with Linda revealed my limiting beliefs about myself, how I always put others first and treat myself as worthless. I got to see where these beliefs had come from in my past, easily transform and let them go, re--program my brain with empowering and loving beliefs which serve me so well. I learned to value myself, and grow as a person. I left Linda's breakthrough session feeling renewed, empowered, and alive for the first time since childhood. Now that I love and respect myself my marriage has transformed too! I have fallen back in love with my darling husband, and he with's fantastic! Thank you Linda"
Maggie O'L artist

"I had been suffering with anxiety and depression for years. I had tried all sorts of medication and counseling but was getting worse not better. As a last resort I tried Linda Burke as she had been recommended by a friend. Her approach is totally different to any of the other therapies I had tried. She spent a lot of time chatting to me about my feelings, and helped me uncover my negative belief system. I became aware of what was driving my depression and anxiety, and was able to transform that mind set into one of positivity and happiness.
I recommend this lady to any one who has stress or depression in their life. You don't need to suffer...there is a way to resolve your feelings and be happy again...I have done it so you can too!"

Mary C Shop assistant

"I found a part of myself I hadn’t met before, although I some how knew it was there! Simply wonderful. Now I’m going to teach my children these wonderful things and help them stay well. If you are contemplating this course…please just do it…your life will never be the same again! ”Thank you Linda, you are an angel."
Leslie G. Business owner and mum.

For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call or click on the 'Make An Enquiry' button below.

Service Categories
Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Energy Healing, Hypnotherapist, Kinesiology, Life Coaching, Mens Health, Natural Fertility Management, NLP, Nutrition, Physiotherapy, Reiki, Remedial Therapies, Sports Injury Therapy, Weight Loss, Womens Health

   Profile picture for L Burke M.C.S.P, SRP, Lic.Ac