Clinical Aromatherapy and Massage, Pregnancy Massage,Gentle Touch Reflexology, Maternity Reflexology,
Facial Reflexology and Thermal Auricular Therapy
Welcome to Linda’s Complementary Therapies
Linda is a former midwife (retired May 2014) and has been a Complementary Practitioner for over 10 years. Trained in the Gentle Touch Reflexology Technique TM and graduated in 2005 with a level 3 diploma from the Sue Ricks School of Complementary Therapies. A member of the Association of Reflexologists (MAR) and registered with the CNHC. Graduated as a Clinical Aromatherapist, from Rosewood College June 2014 with a level 4 diploma, in Aromatherapy and Massage and a member of the International Federation of Aromatherapists (MIFA).
Aromatherapy and Massage
Essential oils that are used in Aromatherapy are derived from aromatic plants that have gone through a process of distillation.
Many essential oils are antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-infectious, analgesic and are beneficial for many conditions. Essential oils are mixed with a carrier oil and massaged into the skin. The oils used in your treatment are of a high quality.
Aromatherapy can help with:
- Musculo-skeletal conditions
- Injuries
- Endocrine problems
- Respiratory conditions
- Post-operative pain
- Infections of the genito-urinary system
- Emotional issues
- Digestive problems
- Cardio-vascular problems
- Skin problems
Massage is beneficial in reducing pain and tension, releasing hormones to elevate mood, reduce anxiety and stress, improve circulation and removal of toxins, strengthening the immune system, inducing deep relaxation, calming and improving sleep and energy levels. Massage is an ancient therapeutic treatment that enhances well - being, reduces stress and regenerates the cells of the human body. This is a fabulous therapy and will help you to really relax as well as treat you. Cost: full body massage £30, neck, back and shoulders £22
Massage has many effects including:
- Eliminating toxins
- Breaking up adipose tissue
- Warming the muscles by stimulating the blood flow and improving circulation
- Relieves stiffness
- Aids lymphatic drainage
You can either have a full body massage which takes approximately 1hr or back, neck and shoulders which takes approximately 25mins. The initial appointment will involve the taking of a detailed consultation to ensure the oils used are suitable for you therefore the appointment will be an extra 15mins.
Pregnancy Massage
Massage in pregnancy relaxes the mother and results in a relaxed baby, which has manybenefits. Massage during pregnancy focuses on the special needs of the woman as her body goes through many changes.
Massage therapy enhances:
- The functions of muscles and joints
- Improves circulation and general body tone
- Relieves both mental and physical fatigue
- When massaging the mother the baby is massaged also
Massage benefits:
- Reduces stress hormones in the body
- Promotes better sleep
- Stimulates endorphin production
- Reduces pain levels
- Enhances self esteem
- Relaxation
- Improves circulation
- Reduces fluid retention
- Improves skin texture
- Reassuring and comforting
- Calms the body systems and functions of the body
- Promotes the feeling of general well-being
- Provides emotional support
- Increases self-confidence with body image
Aromatherapy and massage can help the pregnant women with the many changes and
minor disorders of pregnancy.
Gentle Touch ReflexologyTM
Gentle Touch is a subtle and delicate form of reflexology, it is a very light touch compared with traditional reflexology which can be very firm and sometimes painful. Uric acid crystals form in the feet when energy flow is disrupted therefore resulting in pain and imbalance of the body. GTR works on three levels, emotionally, energetically and spiritually and the focus is on the client, therefore the client breaks down their own crystals.
The practitioner treats one foot then transfers to the other foot and back again so that balance of the body is maintained throughout the treatment. All the nerve endings of the body terminate in the hands, feet and face and each body system has a reflex point and when these are worked by the practitioner, each system is treated.
What happens during a treatment?
A full consultation will be taken prior to the first treatment and a personalised treatment plan will be formulated to meet your specific needs. You will then be made comfortable in a recliner chair and your feet wrapped in towels. After the practitioner has washed her hands she will apply oil and massage it into your feet. The treatment does not tickle, as there are some people who are under this impression. This is your time so close your eyes and enjoy the treatment. Cost £27
Gentle Touch Reflexology can help with many conditions.
During your treatment you may feel:
- Relaxed
- Spaced out
- Feeling tingly
- Feeling bubbles - energy moving
- You may become thirsty
- Feeling cold
These are all normal reactions and part of the healing process.
Hopi Ear Candling
Hopi ear candling or Thermal Auricular therapy as it is also known can be used to
treat many conditions of the ear nose and throat. This ancient therapy was
developed by the native American Hopi Indian Tribe of North Arizona (Hopi Tribe
meaning peaceful people). The candles are still made today on the basis of the
old traditional formula originating from the Hopi Indians. Cost £22
What happens during a treatment?
- You will be made comfortable on a couch on your side with your head on a pillow
- A blanket covering your body for warmth
- A lighted candle is inserted into the ear and takes 10 - 12 mins to burn down
- You will hear a hissing and crackling sound which is perfectly normal, debris is being extracted from the ear and a warmth will be felt which is very relaxing
- There is a red mark near the bottom of the candle which is the demarcation line and when this is reached the candle is removed and the flame extinguished
- The same procedure is carried out for the other ear
- You will then be asked to lie on your back and a facial massage is carried out to help with lymphatic drainage
- The candles are opened at the end of the treatment for you to see what has been extracted
- The treatment lasts approximately 30-40 minutes
This treatment can help with:
- Build up of ear wax
- Glue ear
- Tinnitus
- Sinus problems
- Vertigo
- Headaches and migraines
- Perforated ear drum
- Ear surgery
- Grommits
- Infection
QUALIFICATION DETAILS Gentle Touch Reflexologist, Clinical Aromatherapist, DPSM, MIFA, MAR, Registered with CNHC
Service Categories
Aromatherapy, Beauty Therapy, Ear Candling, Indian Head Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Reflexology, Reiki