We believe in treating people as a whole, taking care to bring harmony and provide solutions to their health problems.
Welcome to
I am a fully qualified, registered and experienced Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and Life Coach. I am able to help you with a wide range of problems including:- overcoming habits (like smoking and nail-biting)
- psychological problems (like stress, anxiety, confidence issues, fears and phobias)
- some physical problems that may have a psychological aspect (like migraine, IBS and CFS/ME)
- developmental difficulties (e.g. dyslexia and dyspraxia)
- or perhaps you are looking for a new direction in life but are not quite sure what to do or how to approach it
You can find more information about the way I work by visiting my website (see link on this page). Or just give me a call on 020 8405 2673 and I'll be happy to discuss your particular issues and answer any questions you may have.
Your Peace of Mind:
As a member of the APHP (Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy) I am bound by their code of ethics, full details of which can be obtained by calling them on 01702 347691 or by visiting them at www.aphp.co.uk. I am also a member of the National Council of Psychotherapists, the British National Register of Advanced Hypnotherapists, the Hypnotherapy Association and the Complementary Therapists Association (Embody).
As with all registered professional therapists I am fully covered by professional indemnity insurance.
Diplomas in: - Clinical Hypnotherapy with Psychotherapy (DHP)
- Advanced Hypnoanalytic Therapy
- Advanced Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
Specialisation Diplomas in- Working with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
- Psychosexual Disorders
Specialist (certificated) training in:- Hypnotherapy with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- Alcohol Abuse
Registered SymbioDynamics® Consultant and LifeMapper® Life Coach
Service Categories
Counselling, EFT, Hypnotherapist, Life Coaching, NLP, Psychotherapy, Weight Loss