Holistic Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner Pregnancy Massage Specialist and Registered Doula
Caroline works with holistic massage and reiki. She also offers massage for people with life threatening illnesses and massage focused specifically around pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. She teaches yoga for pregnancy and is a trained birth educator. She is also a doula (a practical and emotional birth supporter).
About Caroline
I have been working as a massage therapist for ten years. I trained in Holistic massage in Edinburgh in 2003 and completed an advanced massage course in 2005. I hold full insurance and an ITEC diploma in Holistic massage. I attained my reiki attunments in South Wales and in Edinburgh and am qualified to the highest level, a ‘Reiki Master’.
I am a mother of two and since having my own children I have become interested in focusing my work around pregnancy and childbirth. I have a diploma with the ANPT in pregnancy, labour and postnatal massage. I have completed a two year training as a birth educator and yoga for pregnancy teacher in Edinburgh at the Pregnancy and Parents Centre.
I run weekly yoga for pregnancy classes which include birth preparation discussions.
I work as a doula (an emotional, practical and informational birth supporter) and have been honoured to attend births both in hospital and at home.
I offer massage for labour and birth and can give support for breastfeeding and the postnatal period.
I also work as a massage and reiki therapist for people with serious life-threatening illnesses and their carers. I am committed to keeping myself informed and updated and to continuous professional development.
ITEC Diploma in Holistic MassageI (credit) and Advanced Massage Training Reiki Therapy (to the highest ‘Master’ level) A.N.P.T Massage and Pregnancy Diploma (distinction) Birth educators course/ yoga for pregnancy (A two year training from highly accredited teachers: PPC, Edinburgh)
Complete confidentiality and adherence to a professional code of conduct is assured at all times.
Holistic Massage
Holistic massage is a natural and ancient therapy used to enhance and restore health. It has been used worldwide for centuries to promote healing, relaxation and self awareness. Massage is one of the most instinctive means of relieving pain and discomfort.
Holistic massage works on the belief that there is an intrinsic relationship between body, mind and emotions which make up the ‘whole person’. Therefore the ‘whole’ of the client is considered – mind, body, spirit and emotions – rather than just the part that is causing pain.
Holistic massage uses Swedish massage techniques developed by Dr Per Henrik Ling (1776-1839) along side other techniques such as energy balancing (the laying of hands on the body), breathing awareness work and passive movements (joint release).
Full body massage for 1 ¼ hours £38.00
Introductory offers
Back, neck and head massage for 45 minutes £25
Book 3 and get £10 off (sessions must be used within 6 months)
Introduce a friend and get £10 off your next massage.
Gift vouchers available
Reiki is an ancient method of hands on healing, working on an energetic level. Its origins can be traced back to Tibet and has been rediscovered in Japan by Dr Ushi. ‘Rei’ means universal and ‘ki’ means life force. This natural energetic force that flows through all living beings can sometimes become blocked or unbalanced due to a physical or emotional problem.
A reiki treatment involves the placing of hands on or slightly above a fully clothed body. Ki flows through the hands of the practitioner to the client, aiding in the removal of blockages and toxins, balancing the flow of energy and promoting a sense of nurture and well being. It is a deeply relaxing technique which allows the body to reach a state of calm and awareness.
Reiki treatment for 1 hour £35
Introductory offers
Book 3 and get £10 off (sessions must be used within 6 months)
Introduce a friend and get £10 off your next treatment.
Gift vouchers available
Yoga for Pregnancy
Yoga for Pregnancy is a wonderful preparation for the challenges of pregnancy, birth, and becoming a mother focusing on breathing awareness, grounding, posture, relaxation and movements for pregnancy and labour. It offers a chance to connect in with yourself your baby, release and relax. Each woman, her pregnancy and birth is unique and the emphasis is on helping you to find your way with yoga.
As a trained birth-educator my knowledge of birth and experience in supporting women is incorporated into the sessions so that I can guide you at your own pace which helps you to tap into your own inner knowledge and intuition and enhances your connection with your baby.
The sessions always finish with discussions about pregnancy, birth, parenting and any issues brought up by the group over tea and biscuits. This allows to you get to know others in the group, develop your knowledge about birth, and share experiences with other women.
Where, when and how much?
Classes will be running in the Therapy Centre, Corebridge Road, Hexham. NE46 1QJ (01434 609770)
Tuesday 3-5pm
Tuesday 7-9pm
To register your interest please email your estimated due date, contact number and which group/s suits you best. Alternatively you can call me on 07982 997052.
I ask women to pay in consecutive blocks of 6 weeks and continue to do so until you wish to give up your space. The suggested cost for 6 consecutive weeks is £42. However, there are concessionary rates available. I am committed to trying to make the classes accessible for everyone. Please contact me about this if you need to know more.
To secure a place I ask for a deposit of 50% which can be dropped into the Therapy Centre or sent to Caroline Wagstaffe, 2 Newhouses, Ninebanks, Hexham. NE47 9PA.
Pregnancy massage
Massage through all three trimesters…
During pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period, your body goes through enormous hormonal, physical and emotional changes. It can be a time filled with joy and wonder and can equally be a time filled with anxiety, stress and discomfort. It is a time when you need to feel in touch with what is happening in your body and massage can be a wonderful way to help you do this benefiting both you and your baby.
What does a session involve?
Pregnancy massage is a time for you and your baby. It involves a full body treatment working directly on the skin using oil. Towels are used to cover the rest of the body that is not being worked on for warmth and modesty. Side-lying and other positions are used which promote maximum comfort during pregnancy. There is a emphasis on breath work, grounding and listening in, all of which is wonderful preparation for labour, birth and parenting. Hands on and acupressure techniques are used to balance energy and support the process of growing and birthing a baby.
A thorough consultation is carried out and time is spent working out self-care strategies in your preparation for birth such as stretches and exercises, breathe awareness and grounding techniques. Caroline also teaches yoga for pregnancy and is experienced in how movement can support pregnancy and birth preparation.
Full body massage for 1 ¼ hours £38.00
Introductory offers
Back, neck and head massage for 45 minutes £25
Book 3 and get £10 0ff (sessions must be used within 6 months)
Introduce a friend and get £10 off your next massage.
Gift vouchers available
Doula Services
If a woman feels supported, calm and is allowed to birth in an undisturbed environment in the way that is best for her she will release hormones the birth hormones, the main ones being endorphins which are the bodies natural painkillers and oxytocin, the ‘love’ hormone which stimulates the body to open and birth her baby. If she is fearful or interrupted adrenaline (or the fight or flight response) will be released, the blood is taken away from the uterus and into the limbs which can slow, stop or make labour more difficult to cope with.
A doula, as a woman experienced in the field of childbirth, can offer the chance to build up a trusting relationship over time. By knowing the woman she is supporting, a doula can act to protect the womans/couples wishes, keep interruptions to a minimum and promote confidence. They can help to hold a safe and private birthing environment, assist with decision making and any navigations of the medical system. Their presence can alleviate the pressure from the partner allowing him/her to give the loving support the birthing women and her baby needs. A doula takes on a role of empowering both the woman and her partner to fully participate in and to feel in control of their own birthing experience.
What I offer
You can hire a doula at any point in your pregnancy – even as late as when you’re in early labour! It is probably wise to meet or at least speak to more than one person so you can choose someone who is right for you. It depends how far into your pregnancy you are and how much time you feel you need in order to form a relationship, inform yourselves, talk about what you want for your birth and work through any past experiences. You might have lots of antenatal meetings or just one. I offer unlimited phone or email support outside these meetings.
When you go into labour I will come when you feel you want me and support you throughout your birth. I will stay with you afterwards for as long as you need to help you establish feeding and feel comfortable and settled.
I can offer as many postnatal visits as you want in order to help you establish feeding, help you with getting to know your baby and his or her needs, offer support in processing the birth and do as much cooking, housework or childcare that you might need!
I am a trained massage therapist specialising in pregnancy, labour and postnatal massage and can offer massage for you or your birth partners before, during and after the birth.
I am a trained birth-educator and yoga for pregnancy facilitator and run weekly yoga classes.
I can offer one to one birth preparation sessions for you and your birth partner which can include birth positions, teaching the partner massage for labour and acupressure points and discussing any questions you might have.
I have a lot of books you can borrow and information and resources I can direct you to which could help you to inform yourselves.
I have an inflatable birth-pool you can hire (birth-in-a-box) which I can explain fully to you or be in charge of filling and emptying.
I have a homoeopathy birth kit and can offer some knowledge about herbs and aromatherapy essential oils that assist birth.
Practicalities and Costs
I will commit to being on call for you from 38-42 weeks although if you have any concerns about this, have a history of early or late babies or are expecting twins I am happy to work something out that makes you feel comfortable.
If something absolutely unavoidable comes up, for example illness, and you feel comfortable with this I would suggest that you have a back-up doula. There are a few doula’s working in this area and I can put you in touch with someone and we can all make an arrangement together so you are ensured of support for your birth. (For other doula’s in the area see information and resources.)
Costs will vary depending on how far I need to travel and how many antenatal and postnatal visits you would like. Please contact me via email carolinewagstaffe@yahoo.co.uk or 07982 997052 . I am also committed to trying to make this service available to everyone so if you feel you can’t afford it please let me know and we can try and work something out.
Service Categories
Holistic Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Pregnancy Yoga, Reiki