Pawel Patrick
I am a light worker, energy worker, healer and visionary intuitive who dedicated his life to healing of self and others during these challenging and fascinating energetical times.
In 2010 I qualified as a Metaphysical Practitioner with Degree in Metaphysical Science from University of Metaphysics, Sedona in Arizona. For the past 4 years I have worked exclusively within the field of customer service, civil service and care environments (mental health and learning disabilities – combined); supporting people with an array of complex needs in a spectrum of settings. This has included adults with physical and learning disabilities. This experience of working with a very wide group of all ages, capabilities and issues including mental health, addiction, disability, ill health, abuse, educational and behaviour problems.
Through these collective experiences I had developed a deeper insight into the role of an intuitive energy worker, practical application of therapies and the transformative support provided through it.
Four years ago I was also initiated to the Usui Reiki with Eileen Mclone. I became a master/teacher in Angelic Reiki when I trained with the co-founder of Angelic Reiki, Christine Core in UK. I was also initiated by Christine to New Shamballa and Golden Heart Merkabah which define my Ascension Alignment modality in equally significant level. I trained as a healer with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers and Lancashire District Healing Association.
I additionally combine my intuitive, healing and metaphysical skills in providing ancestral healing, and the clearance of spirits and negative energies from people and places. I am an accredited member of the Spirit Release Foundation.
I am actively involved in a therapeutic energy work, breath work, creative visualization and manifestation, meditation, energy therapy with a blend of various healing modalities. This deepened my understanding of multidimensional human contact and sensory skills, furthering my knowledge of ascension dynamics vs.human electromagnetic field all of which I incorporate into my energy work.
My therapies include: Usui Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Crystalotherapy, Metaphysical Healing, New Shamballa, Spirit Release & Soul Recovery , Deep Wound Healing, Ascension Alignment - Metatron Healing Resonance.
All my energy work is grounded and supported in multi-dimensional Ascension.
I feel that my strong motivation and presence combined with intuitive approach, practical experience and a passion helped me to provide professional assistance to individuals in variety of scenarios. In my approach I encourage and empower others on their chosen life journey.
Metaphysical Healing
What is Metaphysical healing?
Metaphysical healing is a structured multifaceted spiritual mind treatment of a particular situation in your life. It consists of equipping the individual with the necessary tools for self-development through bringing forth an awareness of his/her connection/relationship with the Source. It is also an energetical correspondence to the vibratory expression of personal and collective dynamics in one`s chosen reality. It promotes harmony and balance principles to a very fundamental level, in very specific ways. Those who follow mind treatment healing will realise that certain negative thinking habits are affecting particular areas of one`s life, e.g., environment, family, friends, career, well being etc.
Negative mental patterns like guilt, resentment or anger tend to follow all of us on a daily basis and unconsciously we do absorb quite a large portion of those when coexisting in own realities, thereby losing our sense of connection.
When these patterns are left unattended, they can eventually result in physical disease or illness. The reversal of those mental patterns results in positive patterns which in turn can lead to healing.
Our significant life experiences are transitory and they are often followed by emotional highs and lows that represent a false sense of connection.
We literally have a relationship with our dreams, ideas, or dramas and failures through reactions and subjective projections we have been conditioned with. We flow in a sea of delusion. But this delusion is one that the entire unconscious collective shares.
We start a dream job, only to be disappointed when it fails to meet our expectations. We start creating something new, only to find out that it is not supporting our vision any more.
We happen to disengage from exploration and connection shortly before it could take off.
We have lovely friends, until they are not so lovely anymore. Complex human intimacy follows separation, emptiness, and creates constant searching for that which is missing. However, `connection` with true self is created from a deep sense of intention, initiation and interconnectedness. It is based in the reality of our Oneness and resonates in everyone`s reality in distinctively sacred ways.
Spirit Release/ Soul Recovery
What is Spirit Release?
Spirit Release therapy is non confrontational mediation while identifying and removing unwanted spirit attachments, negative energies or entities from a person. While freeing the client from unwanted intrusions, channelling healing energy is taking place. Working with the power of love and the assistance of higher angelic beings helps the invading entities on their evolutionary path towards their ascension.
This therapy aims to cleanse clear and bring energy balance to the body, mind and spirit by eliminating blockages or unwanted ties from unhealthy negative influences and spirit possession occurrence.
The other aspect of this therapy is releasing negative thought forms and cutting negative cord connections and stopping conscious or unconscious psychic attack with intent to harm. Any of these aspects may cause a variety of blockages for the client, but symptoms usually include a significant loss of energy and exhaustion.
Typical symptoms may include: bereavement, loss of loved one, feeling of hurt, feeling isolation, electrical breakdowns, unpleasant smells, seeing figures or movement, sudden onset of addictions to food, alcohol or drugs, feeling that something/someone is preventing from moving forward in your life, being touched or watched, disorientated and spaced out states, loss of energy for no apparent reason, been in or witnessed an accident, death or trauma.
Spirit release brings back balance and harmony into your life. It also works hand in hand with space clearing of your own home. There are many reasons for disturbed energies in houses and buildings. This includes but is not limited to: Negative thoughts and emotions of the people living in the household, mind and soul fragments imprints, confused souls - earthbound spirits, electromagnetic and geopathic stress, underground water systems and ley lines.
Quite often thought forms, emotions and past events can leave their energy imprint on the place where the experience occurred, also older houses simply need to be cleared of as there is a build up of stagnant/harmful energy e.g. previous occupant`s energy.
Multifaceted spirit release may also consist of soul retrieval. During traumatic experience or accident an aspect of you may separate from the whole, union with the true Self.
This aspect is usually held at the different timelines of the trauma and can mean that part of you is still stuck in a particular behavioural pattern and emotion.
At Soul level, everything is happening at the same moment. Even though these events may have happened long time ago, they appear to be happening now , i.e. in “the now moment”. It is possible to talk to a traumatized Soul aspect in it’s own timeline, despite hidden discomfort of the traumatic events from oneself. Finding and retrieving this part and integrating it back into your whole being is my goal.
I offer distant/remote spirit release if I consider it appropriate to your particular situation. I also offer support and teach visualisation, protection, grounding and cleansing techniques
Metatron Resonace Healing
What is Metatron Resonance ?
Metatron Resonance healing is in-depth and intense soul energy work, where you connect with the aspect of the 12-dimensional sides of yourself safely and creatively. This method will give you a structured approach and diagnostic of your own soul energy. While exploring and learning about your own consciousness, you expand your holistic work to the next level.
Metatron Resonance Healing expands on clairsentience, clairaudience, clairalience etc. It will open within a few minutes a new doorway to connect with your Soul Matrix that will give you a tool for the expansion of your energetic presence and consciousness. This method also balances your contraction and expansion nodes as you grow energetically. It initiates you into the higher dimensions energy matrices and finer frequencies. Finally, it gives you a deeper understanding of the most powerful Self you could ever imagine, manifesting in the core of your being and anchoring you into your new energy light vortices.Metatron Healing Resonance is an Awareness of the Evolving Pure Gold Electric Ultra Transcendal frequency of Archangel Metatron. To access to this Pure Evolving Soul Energy Matrix, is a very insightful form of this healing method given to me by Archangel Metatron.
This healing modality anchors all aspects of Archangel Metatron energy work and the Matrix of Ascension, taking your service work to the next level. It also facilitates anchoring different light encodings from the Cosmic Treasury of Light and Tablets of creation. It provides insight to your Cosmic Tree of Life and your expression of Cosmic Sepiroths in your 5th dimensional energetical structure.
Metatron Healing and the awareness of the Cosmic Matrix within your healing process , magnifies and activates your cellular memory and intensifies the inner light encoding within you. The true Divine Matrix of The Soul – your soul purpose.
Metatron Ascension Class
What is Metatron Ascension Class ?
The Metatron Ascension Class is a place where we all meet and share our experiences about our healing work, practice, maintain and learn in depth an approach to working with the 12-dimensional Solar Logoi Codes. We join together to experience and perform group consciousness service work for our greater good and the greater good of humanity. The approach used during the classes is to embrace the connection with and to experience Soul Family/Families and explore the vastness of your energetic presence through all levels and all dimensions.
You will also learn how to expand your awareness (the 5-dimensional heart) and expand the awareness of the dynamics of your soul essence while in a group. You will learn how to release and process traumas and your life experiences in a safe, loving and creative way. You will also learn how to absorb higher frequencies and transmissions in order to connect with your own soul frequency effectively through soul breath. Finally you will experience and explore the power of group work, feel radiant, blissful, energised and creatively inspired. These experiences will be transferable to your own personal life and work environment.
Usui Reiki Master, Angelic Reiki Master/Teacher, New Shamballa Master, Metaphysical Practitioner, Spirit Release Practicioner, Crystalotherapy Practitioner, Accredited Member of IMMU, Accredited Member of Spirit Release Foundation, Full Member of AET and BCMA
Service Categories
Crystal Therapy, Energy Healing, Meditation, Reiki, Spiritual Healing