Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing which originated in China over two thousand years ago. It is effective for a variety of conditions due to its power to stimulate our own healing response. This is achieved by inserting fine sterile needles into acupuncture points to regulate and balance the body’s natural energy system.
I practise an integrated style of acupuncture combining both TCM and 5 Element techniques.
What can acupuncture treat?
Many people come to acupuncture to help with specific symptoms or to relieve specific pain like back ache or osteoarthritis of the knee. Some use acupuncture because they feel generally unwell but have no obvious diagnosis. Others choose acupuncture simply to enhance their feeling of well being. Acupuncture is aimed at the root of your condition as well as your main symptoms. This approach helps with resolving your problem and enhancing your sense of wellbeing. As Traditional acupuncture aims to treat the whole person rather than just specific symptoms in isolation it can therefore be effective for a range of conditions. Please contact me if you would like more information or wish to discuss your condition in more detail.
Chinese Herbal Patent Formulae
Traditional Chinese herbs prescribed in tablet form used as a tonic to support acupuncture treatment. All patent herbs used are natural and only purchased from manufacturers with approval from the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine.
About Michael Ng Michael Ng, LicAc I graduated from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine ( in Reading, the largest and one of the most highly regarded colleges in the country, in 1998. I am now part of the college faculty working as a lecturer and programme leader. I completed an advanced clinical training programme in Zhejiang College of TCM in China in 2000.
Clinic details
My clinic is at :- 4 Swiss Close Wrecclesham (Near Farnham) Surrey GU10 4TT
Clinic hours :- Mondays to Fridays (9am to 6pm)
For enquiries or to make an appointment please contact me by:- Telephone :- 01252 794353 E-mail :
Diagnosis and Treatment In Chinese medicine a healthy person is seen to be one in whom the body’s motivating energy (Qi) flows smoothly and harmoniously. Illness arise when this natural flow of energy becomes excessive, deficient or blocked. Acupuncture regulates and balances this flow of energy to maximise our ability to achieve good health.
A diagnosis is based on a full case history and your first consultation and treatment will last about 1.5 hours. You will be asked questions about your current symptoms and details of your medical history, diet, sleep and general health.
Initial treatments will usually be on a weekly basis. Response to treatment can differ considerably from person to person. In most cases you will experience an improvement after a few treatments, especially from acute conditions. Long-term (chronic) or complex conditions will probably require more treatments over a longer period of time.
Service Categories
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)