Would you like to balance your life on all levels to optimise every aspect of your life?
We all deserve to have a balanced and fulfilled life. But we all know that on our path we'll come across some challenges, big and/or small. What makes life a happy ride? What is it for you? Do you know?
We're all different and all unique. Owning your uniqueness and being willing to grow are two of the most important values of this day and age.
Systematic Kinesiology
Systematic kinesiology is a body/mind therapy which uses muscle reflex to access the body's inner intelligence. The muscle reflex works as a bio-feedback mechanism which connects to the biochemical, structural, emotional and electromagnetic levels.
Let's say you suffer from stress and general fatigue. The practitioner through muscle testing will be able to assess the level(s) on which there are imbalances that you as the client are not aware of, on a conscious level. You might need support with your hormones or vitamins/minerals. You might need to address your diet with food sensitivities and your digestive system's health. You might need structural realignment or electromagnetic corrections with acupuncture points and meridian work. Or yet again emotional work. The beauty of Systematic Kinesiology is that it will find the cause or root of the imbalance and correct it on the appropriate level(s). It is one of the only approach which is totally holistic. You cannot separate body and mind. They work in perfect synchronicity. Using this synchronicity is the uniqueness of Systematic Kinesiology. With total commitment from the client, results are outstanding.
"The body never lies”
In my Life Coaching sessions, I integrate Systematic Kinesiology to achieve much more radical results. Have you ever worked on an area of your life for a long time, if not years with not much success even though, you are a positive person who's achieved quite a lot by many standards? Most of us can relate to that to some extent. Well, muscle testing will bypass the conscious brain to reveal what conflicting belief you might have in your subconscious mind. Did you know that our subconscious mind stores our experiences and everything we have learnt? That it runs our lives 97% of the time and holds the key to making long lasting meaningful changes in our lives? Our subconscious mind can literally hijack our brain into automatic responses in our lives. Hence the relevance of an amazing tool like muscle testing when it comes to action plan and goal setting.
“When you correct your mind, the rest of your life falls into place” Lao Tzu.
The basic principles of Laughter Yoga are that we can laugh for no reason. Laughter is innate whereas humour is learnt. Babies laugh, naturally, even blind babies do. The brain cannot differentiate between what's real or fake. That's been scientifically proven. Fake it, fake it until you make it is the Laughter Yoga motto. Before you know it you will laugh for real because laughter is contagious. Laughter balances the stress hormones just like crying does. With daily laughter you connect your inner joy which is totally unconditional. Even when your circumstances are challenging you have the right to laugh for no reason. Are you aware of not laughing as much as you used to? Has life taken its toll on your inner joy? Would you like to do something very different?
Laughter yoga is yogic breathing combined with laughter exercises. Deep breathing give an inner massage to the diaphragm. That relaxes the body, balances the hormones and neurological centers connected to it and stimulates the lymphatic system and the immune system. In a Laughter Yoga session, we'll typically start with a warm up, lots of breathing exercises, laughter exercises, a laughter relaxation, lying down on a matt followed by a body/mind relaxation and lots of fun!!!
Service Categories
Allergy Testing / Treatments, Crystal Therapy, Energy Healing, Flower Essences, Kinesiology, Life Coaching, Natural Fertility Management, Sound Therapy, Touch for Health, Weight Loss, Womens Health, Yoga