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Paula McLeod

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Biodynamic psychotherapy and massage, a body-mind-spirit approach to therapy

Contact NamePaula McLeod
Brighton BN1 4NH
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Biodynamic Therapy combines Massage, Bodywork and Psychotherapy to facilitate the resolution of personal problems.

The aim of Biodynamic Psychotherapy is to establish a state called 'Independent Well-Being', that is, the ability to enjoy life independent of circumstances and external pressures.

All pain - whether it is emotional, mental or physical - is 'Stuck Energy', and manifests itself as symptoms. Physical symptoms such as migraine, headaches, digestive problems, asthma, rashes, colds, insomnia, addictions, etc.

Mental symptoms such as nightmares, phobias, anxieties, circular thinking, negative beliefs, worry thoughts, obsessions, etc.

Emotional symptoms such as high stress levels, fearfulness, uncontrollable anger, hypersensitivity, depression, etc.

Symptoms are an attempt to make us pay attention to the deeper, underlying issues which need to be resolved so the Stuck Energy can be liberated.

Stuck Energy is made up of past shocks, traumas, losses and upsets, misguided parenting, punitive attitudes in childhood, difficult birth experiences etc., coupled with the 'Not Allowed' personal responses to these events.

As issues surface and the Not Allowed energy is released and integrated with the self, symptoms often disappear. They are no longer necessary.

After many different courses of study in Gestalt Psychotherapy, Counselling and Group Dynamics I was drawn to the body-mind-spirit combination of therapyas being the most effective way to achieve Independent Well-Being.

I trained and qualified at the Gerda Boyson Centre for Biodynamic Psychotherapy and have been practising as a Biodynamic Psychotherapist for 24 years now, working with a wide range of clients and their problems. I can offer training supervision as well as individual therapy to clients.

I charge £25 for an initial consultation.Cost per 90 minute session is £35.
I can offer a sliding scale when necessary.

If this method sounds right for you then please do call me on Brighton (01273) 383429.

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