Yoga is an eternal science, representing the universal need to evolve and transcend all limitations.
Welcome to Resting Buddha
Yoga is an eternal science, representing the universal need to evolve and transcend all limitations.
Ancient mystics discovered a way of connecting to the source of life within us.
Roanna continues this time-honoured tradition, a holistic form of yoga that integrates physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions equally.
Our Services
Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation)
Bring out your inner radiance with this special ancient Yoga sequence practice that pays tribute to the sun, a symbol of radiance and spiritual consciousness. An effective way to loosen up, stretch, massage and tone all the joints, muscles and internal organs of the body.
Pranayama (Flow of breath / breath control)
Here you will appreciate the benefits and learn the techniques of Pranayama. Pranayama is an art and a technique to control the intake and outflow of breath and in the process expand the vital energy within ourselves. Feel your breathing improve with this practice.
Your lungs are naturally strengthened through this practice and inflammation in the bronchial tubes are reduced easing the symptoms of hay fever, asthma, and other respiratory / emotional /stress related concerns. Pranayama also brings your nervous and pranic system into equilibrium.
Mudras and Bandhas (Pranic and psychic locks)
Mudras can be described as psychic, emotional and devotional gestures or attitudes. The positions (mudras) of the hands that are taken during meditation influences the mind and encourages inner contemplation. One of the more traditional mudras is chin mudra where the thumb and first finger connect with the hands resting on the knees during stillness.
Bandhas refer to a locking action. Bandhas work to lock (the life force) in particular areas. As we learn to hold the internal body locks for example the pelvic floor we can directly influence the prana held within the body. Bandhas are an integral part of yoga and enhances the meditative and energetic experience of asana.
Service Categories
Breathwork, Corporate Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Vinyasa Yoga, Yoga