Sports Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Remedial Masage.
Massage during pregnancy can help alleviate lower back and pelvic discomfort which is a common symptom as your body prepares for the birth of your baby. Many other benefits include increased energy levels, reduced anxiety, reduction in blood pressure and oedema, and improved sleep.
Sports Massage - essential for the athlete and gym junkie. Helps prevent muscle tension and inflexibility, which, if left untreated ,can lead to an injury. During a sports massage I will focus on areas of tightness or dysfunction, and help restore normal muscle length and function. Sports massage helps to break down scar tissue from recent injuries and assists the body's own natural healing responses.
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy is a time of great joy and also a time of physiological, psychological and spiritual change, and for many women pregnancy can be a difficult and emotional journey. Your pregant body will undergo hormonal changes which can cause mood swings and emotional upheaval. Hormones also soften joint-supporting tissues and muscles can become strained under the increasing weight of your body. Low back and pelvic discomfort is very common as your body prepares for the birth of your baby.
Pregnancy Massage can help to ease muscle and joint strain, reduce stress hormones, reduce anxiety, reduce oedema and blood pressure, improve flexibility,and increase energy levels. It also promotes an awareness of, and a connection to your baby. Pregnancy massage can help support your physiological and emotional needs.
Your comfort during a massage session is paramount. I use pillows and cushions to support the abdomen and breasts while you are in a side-lying position. Your body will be covered with a sheet....I will only expose the area being worked on.
Sports Massage
Sports Massage is an ideal way to help prevent or minimise the risk of developing injuries, aches and pains, whether you are active in sports or deskbound in your work place. It can enhance performance as well as aiding recovery from sporting events or activites. Sports massage plays an important part in injury rehabilitation whether recent or long term.
Remedial Massage
Remedial Massage is used in the treatment and elimination of pain, discomfort and restriction following an injury or ongoing condition. Remedial massage increases blood supply to soft tissue as well as increasing the lymphatic flow to and from the area being treated, leading to a reduction in pain, swelling and inflammation, and therefore speeding up the body's own healing process.
Massage ITEC Dip
Sports and Remedial Masage ITEC Dip
Massage for Pregnancy and Labour APNT Dip
I am fully insured for Public Liability. I work within the Code of Ethics laid down by the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists, and the Complementary Therapists Association. Your privacy and confidentiality is guaranteed.
Service Categories
Deep Tissue Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Remedial Massage, Sports Massage