True Wishes aims to provide a high quality, unique service and meet individual client needs.
Welcome to True WishesTrue Wishes aims to provide a high quality, unique service and meet individual client needs.
What True Wishes Offers
Reiki Healing
Reiki Healing is an ancient form of healing, originating from Japan. There is no need to remove clothing during treatment. Reiki is usually given either lying on a therapy table or sitting on a chair.
Positive energy is channeled through the healer's hands to the client's body.
The client is usually left feeling both relaxed and energised. Reiki Healing can help alleviate physical and emotional symptoms. You may see me offering short trial Reiki sessions at indulgence events. Treatments may be booked to take place in your own home.
Developmental Baby Massage
For over a year I have been delivering Developmental Baby Massage classes. Peter Walker, who trained me, is well known in Japan, Australia and England for his unique use of massage techniques. I am honoured to be able to pass on the skills he taught me.
Learn massage techniques and understand the benefits. Realise the importance of "touch" for you and your baby.
This is aimed at babies under 6mths (approx). Sessions can be booked for small groups or for an individual parent and baby. Courses are usually 4 to 6 weekly classes about 1hr each. However, workshops can be tailored to meet individual or group needs.
Developmental Baby Massage is particularly beneficial for babies who may have a disability. Physical contact is vital for positive development.
Group courses subject to a suitable venue. Individual sessions in your own home. Happy to arrange for friends to learn together. A fun way to learn a valuable skill!
True Wishes welcomes the opportunity to offer you a quality service from a warm and friendly provider!
Service Categories
Infant Massage, Mobile Service Massage, Reiki