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Yogavision was set up to help people experience more balanced, peaceful and fulfilling lives through the practices of yoga, deep relaxation, affirmations and meditation.

Contact NameDeva Priya
North London
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Life for most of us is lived at a hectic pace. With technology and new products developing at a breakneck speed our senses are constantly over-stimulated and bombarded by relentless advertising and information overload. We are encouraged to think that we would be a lot happier if we had the latest piece of new technology, such as a newer mobile phone, car, digital camera and plasma screen tv.

Whilst having material objects can enhance and improve our lives we still need to have time to stop, slow down, and experience our own inner space; to rest and heal in mind and body. By slowing down our breathing and physical movements, we are able to temporarily switch off from the stimulus of the outside world. As well as releasing physical tension, we begin to let go of mental tensions, anxiety, worries and fears. The muscles begin to relax , the mind begins to quieten- we embark on a journey of inner peace and stillness, self-healing and regeneration.

When experienced on a regular basis, the effects of deep relaxation and meditation are cumulative. The more we practise the more we develop inner strength to help us through life's ups and downs. We are given tools and in turn become equipped to cope with the pressures of daily life.

By taking care of ourselves in this way, our relationship to ourselves improves as well as our relationships with others - we become more positive, trusting and loving.

'During yoga and meditation the three elements of breath, body and mind are
calmed, and gradually they become one. It is only by these processes that
the oneness of body and mind will be achieved......we realise peace, joy and
ease, the first fruits of yoga/meditation practice.'

Thich Nhat Hanh

Yoga Meditation
They are a combination of stretching and postures, to increase flexibility and strength as well as meditative breathing and deep relaxation to leave you energised, calm and peaceful. Simple sounds are also added to some of the movements/poses multiplying the benefits of our yoga practice. Sound brings more focus and inner awareness.

Sound Healing
Sound has been used in many civilisations for thousands of years and is now beginning to be rediscovered in modern society as a wonderful tool for healing and transformation. Many scientific studies have been carried out which confirm that the physical world is made up of vibrating energy and that all matter comes from vibration or sound. As the body is made up of 70% water it makes it a wonderful conductor of sound!

The practices of yoga during pregnancy can do much to improve your overall well-being. Yoga postures are adapted specifically to prepare your body and mind for birth through gentle stretching, breathing techniques and deep relaxation. These can be of enormous benefit to help you before and during birth and labour - as well as after you've had your baby. Yoga helps you develop a deeper connection with your baby before as well as after birth.

Give yourself and your baby this wonderful gift of relaxed, comfortable and stress-free birthing with this tried and tested programme of self-hypnosis, relaxation and childbirth education. You will be amazed when you watch videos of Hypnobirthing mothers which show them remaining relaxed and alert whilst birthing their babies in a gentle, calm manner. Hypnobirthing is for both you and your birthing companion. It is based on the belief that your baby can come into the world in an atmosphere of calm and joy and that birthing does not need to be an experience of pain or severe discomfort.

Service Categories
Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy Yoga, Sound Therapy

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